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Sci-Fi Lasers TheJoker301 Does Not Tell the Truth to Customers or Uphold His Claims

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I'm pretty sure what hutt132 is saying is what most of us are thinking...

The 100$ doesn't matter at this point, thejoker has been caught in empty promises and lies towards his customers. Whether thejoker promised 10$ or 1000$, the proof of his careless behavior towards his customers is evident. All you have to do is read the e-mail log to find out.
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Re: Can you guys please stop recommending Sci-Fi Lasers?

Its nice that you think that I am a nice guy I really try to be fair with every one on LPF. I will explain why I neg rep Buddy. He has been on here less than a month and then thinks that he has to make a entire thread about what is going on with scifi lasers! Then the title proceeds to suggest that we dont suggest sci fi. like you said Plasma the title was very threatening in nature. We all try to get a long here on lpf. Having a difference in opinion is fine but do it will some tact. The lack of tact and his aggressive tone is the reason I neg repped him. I respect that he had a opinion but do it with a decorum of not coming across like a know it all.

True, I can see where you're coming from. He does possess a bit of an aggressive tone, just seems to be quite the tirade atm...
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If it makes you feel any better I was considering buying from him but now I'm definitely not for 2 reasons. 1: He clearly scams, and 2: I wouldn't deal with BS with someone from another country. You're very lucky to get your money back, but I feel he still owes you $100. I would be out of my mind pissed off. And he threatens to give the government your address? Wow. In short, he scammed you, said he would pay you 100 dollars, doesnt pay you 100 dollars, you tell him you have to pay you 100 dollars, and he says you're threatening him and is gonna turn you in to the police? That's slimy and greasy. Definitely not buying from him.
Do we all have a mail log at LPF, where is it please?

@ cake12345: Oh there is no way in hell I would ever ever buy anything again from him, I never got anything I paid for anyway, besides threatning customers is as foul as it can get.

If you want a good laser look below.



Good parts to build your own HERE
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Click below, is this ok, not by me! -4 for you Joker, you stink up our forum!


What really bothers me is how I took his side in the beginning, I may have stood against an innocent victim, that really hurts.
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Re: Can you guys please stop recommending Sci-Fi Lasers?

Its nice that you think that I am a nice guy I really try to be fair with every one on LPF. I will explain why I neg rep Buddy.

The lack of tact and his aggressive tone is the reason I neg repped him. I respect that he had a opinion but do it with a decorum of not coming across like a know it all.

It is no doubt that you are nice guy and well respected in LPF. I studied some of you post before and you are always being helpful to our members. That’s is good. But still I am sorry to point out that the reason you neg rep me is not because of my tone but protecting sci-fi lasers. The comment you leave is “you dont know that so why post on some thing you dont know" while what I am posting is basic on the fact that we all know, which is sci-fi lasers not only refused to keep his promised on sending the buyer additional $100 due to the package not delivered on time, but also threaten the buyer on reporting them to their government.

He has been on here less than a month and then thinks that he has to make a entire thread about what is going on with scifi lasers!

This is totally doesn't make sense for you to say this. It sound like you mean “you are just one month old member. Even if there are something going wrong with sci-fi lasers it is not your turn to say anything”. My qualifications on this forum didn’t affect how we judge sci-fi lasers. Please allow me to emphasize once again that all quote from this forum and I didn’t make any story.

Then the title proceeds to suggest that we dont suggest sci fi. like you said Plasma the title was very threatening in nature. We all try to get a long here on lpf. Having a difference in opinion is fine but do it will some tact.

I am so sorry I can’t change your mind on stop recommending sci-fi laser. It just like you can’t change my mind on stop asking people to recommend sci-fi laser. It is like what you said having a difference in opinion is fine. There are no threatening in the title and I still believe this is all we should do right now. If you have any point on changing my mind on stop asking people to recommend sci-fi laser. Please kindly let me know the following:

1. Why we should recommend a company that frequently delay the shipment up to few month while they are claiming it will only take 5-10 days to make the laser and takes no more than 21 days for delivery?
2: Why we should recommend a company that frequently giving their customer wrong tracking information? Even giving different customer the same tracking number to buy the time for their shipment?
3. Why we should recommend a company that use customer address for a purpose other than shipment? Let say as a bargaining chips, In this case for threatening the buyer on reporting them to their government just because he ask him to do keep his promise on sending additional $100 due to the dealy?
4. Why we should keep recommending a company that refused to improve themselves while we have already given enough time for them?
5 Why we should keep recommending a company that refused to give any explanation on their dishonesty when have already addressed the problem and revenge in naive way? (In this case neg rep the post…….)

If no one can answer all these question that mean there is no doubt we should stop recommend sci-fi lasers and there are no misleading in this title.
Re: Can you guys please stop recommending Sci-Fi Lasers?

buddybob, you make very sensible and logical points. I agree on most things you have said so far. I am putting my reputation on the line as well as yours as some people seem to disagree with the discussed point of view. vortish is a great guy, but I'll be honest, the neg rep was not necessary, you're stating your opinion on the matter and the whole e-mail log is there for everyone to see. Everyone has access to it, the same access that the original "victim" had.

Hi ElectricPlasma, Thanks for your opinion. I always try to keep my argument as clear as possible. I definitely believe all my point so far is sensible and logical.

On the point why this thread was created, "Can you guys please stop recommending Sci-Fi Lasers," that is very vague but also very aggressive rather than sensible and civilized. You're opinion does not rule over others and has no right to, people can recommend whatever they want no matter what they want.

Just my 2 cents :beer:

I didn’t rule others to do something and obviously I don’t have the right to. If this is the case the title would become "You guys please stop recommending Sci-Fi Lasers !" As I said before I can’t change anyone mind on stop recommending them. But as least I hope someone that agreed with me will do so. The finally decision is definitely on members’ hand.
He did promise he would send me the money. Here is a quote from him on his other thread: "I promised him , that if by Thursday he will not get the laser I will refund him + $100"

Surely I know he did. I am just waiting him to admit himself before pointing out how ridiculous the thing he is doing right now.

Btw. I have to revise the previous statement I made to you on threaten sci-fi pay you $$ to shut you up. I won’t consider this a kind on threaten since he has promised you to do this. It is defiantly reasonable for you to let the media know now sci-fi laser treat their promised since this is directly related to their Integrity, which is a factor that everyone should consider before buying from them.

I read it and it's shocking. Especially saying the guy is blackmailing him...

It's like saying "Oh I only made that bet when I thought I was going to win." Ha! Imagine if we all could gamble like that! We'd never lose!
Put his reputation on the line... oh yes he certainly did and it's ruined.

Perfect example. This is exactly what I’m going to give just you type faster than me. :beer:
Hey look, I get to practice my year 1 contract law.

Possible defence for TheJoker301. If the terms discussed were made orally.

(d) Interval of time
Where there is a long interval between the making of a statement and the conclusion of the contract, it is probably not a term of the contract but merely a representation (Routledge v McKay).

In Routledge v McKay the seven day interval between the representation that the bike was a 1941 rather than a 1931 was relevant for finding for the defendant.

Strong attack with possible claim for damages for breaching the contract for hutt132.

Anticipatory breach

Where a party indicates their intention not to perform their contractual obligations, the innocent party is not obliged to wait for the breach to actually occur before they bring their action for breach: Hochster v De la Tour (1853) 2 E & B 678

Not that you're gonna sue overseas for so little money.
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Joker says "I will do X"
Joker later says "I will no longer do X"
OP says "I will tell others that you will no longer do X"
Joker says "that is threatening and blackmail!"

That's f:)cking ridiculous, and you KNOW it, Joker. I was going to give you red bars for that bullshit just now, but I'll sleep on it first and see how you respond later.

I hope you do neg him, we should all neg him into the red bars, I did for that filthy threat he made to welch on his bet.


This guy is telling people he will send it without payment and collect when you receive it, but only for forum members...HAHA CUTE TRICK, it's not the 250 members online, it's the 15000 visitors he will rob, plunder, threaten and take advantage of, I bet next to nobody gets anything.

He should have 100's of reviews, or public thank yous, there are more complaints than thank yous.
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Hi Every one,
Many,Many times these posts about him polluted our forum and cause folks to waste valuable time and money. Maybe if this was a sticky folks would be better informed about this mans horrific practices. my heart goes out to all the fine people here at LPF that were food to him to eat. Well thantswhy he's calling himself the ( JOKER ) !!!
This is my first response to all the threads based on his bad actions and you will see no more from me ever I've read plenty. Well time for me to go build Adios amigos ..

This is going ridiculous. I noticed that this guy just pump his sell thread on the Buy, Sell, & Trade sector. He doesn’t show any intention on responding this thread. Just keep grabbing more and more business.

I can tell you the reason. He is thinking that not everyone will read this sub forum before buying from them. His main business traffic is from the Buy, Sell, & Trade sector / Review section. We should give a link on his sales / reviews thread to this thread and let everyone know what he’ve done. I won’t consider this is a spam as I think his buyer have the right to know all of this.

Hi Every one,
Many,Many times these posts about him polluted our forum and cause folks to waste valuable time and money. Maybe if this was a sticky folks would be better informed about this mans horrific practices. my heart goes out to all the fine people here at LPF that were food to him to eat. Well thantswhy he's calling himself the ( JOKER ) !!!
This is my first response to all the threads based on his bad actions and you will see no more from me ever I've read plenty. Well time for me to go build Adios amigos ..

Sticky can be one of the efficient way to warn the member. :beer:
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Re: Just bought three lasers from Sci-Fi

Ah, nice! He said that about my tracker last week, but even now it's not working. I said I'd ask for a refund if they're not working by this Wednesday, but Joker seems confident that mine will arrive by then. I hope he's right!

My laser hasn't arrived yet. The process has been a hassle, and like I said above, if it's not here by Wednesday, I'm going to ask for a refund and see if I can find someone on the forum who's willing to make a similar laser for a similar price. Preferably someone based in the US, but I'm not too picky as long as the laser arrives in a timely manner.

I am so sorry to hear that. Please keep us updated and request a refund ASAP if there are anything go wrong. (seem to go wrong already....)

Can't wait to get mine too! Been about 6 weeks, but Eitan has always responded quickly. He just gave me a new tracking number last night and said it will deliver next week, I'll be sure to post pics when it gets here. I wonder if they cause problems at postal inspection or something, I've had like 4 different tracking #'s. Hope all is ok!

You have already waited for 6 weeks and got 4 different tracking # ??? OK I don't know how to comment sci-fi laser now......
Re: Can you guys please stop recommending Sci-Fi Lasers?

this is why i chose not to be bias and i remained neutral....

taking side leads to full scale wars.....
Re: Can you guys please stop recommending Sci-Fi Lasers?

At the end of the day there is friendship, and then there's business.

I think everyone here is trying to be a friends in their own way. To the forum, to SciFI, and to potential buyers and new members.

Scifi is not out to scam anyone. That much is clear.

There are also serious and valid concerns from the number of complaints that have popped up.

Nor can a business satisfy 100% of it's customers.

All of that said, Scifi should be treated as any other company here, without bias, and based on merit.

If someone chooses to place an order they should take measures to protect themselves, and to file disputes if needed, if delivery terms are not met. Scifi, Jetlasers, Sky, CNI, whatever. They are businesses and it is business. It is not wrong to file a dispute or do a chargeback if you're not getting what you were promised.

If a business chooses to accept an order, it should provide clear expectations on delivery, clear terms, and meet said terms, or not accept the order in the first place. That may mean asking people to pay way more for shipping. Even if it also means fewer orders.
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