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SBA Lasers PL 520 Build / Sinner MS-SSW Host "Malice"

Apr 19, 2013

After noticing a great disturbance in the Force, an Alliance was discovered. The Sith Lord Darth Sinner had created a new Light Saber host, engineered and assembled by a well known Scum Bag Atheist. Infamous throughout the Galaxy for his work for the Empire. This is "Malice" an MS-SSW, a Secret Weapon...


This is the original build/review thread by SBA: http://laserpointerforums.com/f52/la-spada-verdi-1st-ever-520nm-115mw-ms-ssw-build-review-very-pic-heavy-82042.html

I was lucky enough to get one of the first of these PL 520 MS-SSW builds by SBA/Sinner. "Malice" seemed appropriate for a laser by a Scumbag Atheist and a Sinner :na:

It is by far one of the heftiest lasers I own. Worthy of the title of "real" lightsaber. I was really impressed by SBA's work with this new custom host and new diode. A lot of time and effort was put into figuring out the best driver set up for the PL 520 diode and working with the MS-SSW. I know it would've been a bit much for me and I really appreciate the time and effort that went into this build.

Two massive 26650 batteries power this beast. It puts out 100mw. I'm going conservative for the diode life but there are no heat issues and I really haven't needed to charge the batteries yet :) Noticed some lubricant on the threads, works real good. As a side note, SBA is a great communicator and really does his best to stand by his work. I would be more than happy to work with him again.


Sinner's machining job is top notch, clean threads and one of my favorite host designs. The great polish job by SBA really makes a difference. I noticed some improvements on the tailcap switch compared to the original build and am sure SBA's technique has only improved.


This is my first 520nm laser. I've been waiting for a green diode and am very happy to add this wavelength to my collection.





Hope you enjoyed!

"May the Force be with You" :D

~ LB
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Re: SBA Lasers PL 20 Build / Sinner MS-SSW Host "Malice"

Congrats on being a happy owner of this dark green long runner, LB:).

SBA's and sinner's cooperation brings up a damn attractive laser creation of one kind, so it does!

Like the presentation pic title, reflects the laser's nature;).

Re: SBA Lasers PL 20 Build / Sinner MS-SSW Host "Malice"

Thanks gismo! Glad you liked it. Looked too much like a lightsaber :) Definitely a unique build and wavelength. SBA and Sinner are a great team.

~ LB
Re: SBA Lasers PL 20 Build / Sinner MS-SSW Host "Malice"

Very nice review :beer:

Very unique wavelength in a very unique host :)
Re: SBA Lasers PL 20 Build / Sinner MS-SSW Host "Malice"

Hey great laser LB and nice pics! Those two certainly do excellent work! Thanks for sharing:) :beer:

Edit: will rep you later when I can...
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Re: SBA Lasers PL 20 Build / Sinner MS-SSW Host "Malice"

Wow! LB, you do some terrific reviews! I'm glad I could be a part of it, and I will always be happy to work with you.
I'm so glad you're enjoying the lasers I've built for you! I'll rep you when I can.

For anyone reading this who has to have an MS-SSW, there happens to be a super-secret bunker, where I happen to have the very last one available!
Hit me up...
Re: SBA Lasers PL 20 Build / Sinner MS-SSW Host "Malice"

wow, two 26650 for that laser? no wonder you have never had to recharge. that thing is probably around 300mA. Hell I've never had to recharge my two 26650s either, and they are powering a 9mm diode at well over 2A

Re: SBA Lasers PL 20 Build / Sinner MS-SSW Host "Malice"

According to my calculations, the charge runtime is approximately 27 hours between charges. Now, combine that with an unlimited duty cycle, and you have one hellauva handheld!
Re: SBA Lasers PL 20 Build / Sinner MS-SSW Host "Malice"

Those are some pretty epic pixtures you have there. I finally have a 520 in the mail and it will find itself in one of sinners hosts :)
Re: SBA Lasers PL 20 Build / Sinner MS-SSW Host "Malice"

Great review, I love the title image!!! +2 when I can, aka now :D
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Re: SBA Lasers PL 20 Build / Sinner MS-SSW Host "Malice"

Thanks you Joker301 and Grainde! Much appreciated :D

Thank you SBA, for a great job! 27hrs! :crackup: That sounds about right :beer:

Thank you Shakenawake, some burly batteries indeed.

Look forward to seeing your 520 Speedy78 :)

Glad you liked the picture Issac, much appreciated :beer:

~ LB
Re: SBA Lasers PL 20 Build / Sinner MS-SSW Host "Malice"

Might want to add a "5" to the thread title ;)

I held a MS-SSW in my hands this week since I metered a 445nm for kmm5117 and I can say that is one fantastic host! Pure beauty and Sinner did a killer job on that host! SBA always does great work some im not surprised that the combination of Sinner and SBA makes this killer laser
Re: SBA Lasers PL 20 Build / Sinner MS-SSW Host "Malice"

Thanks Livinloud! A Derp moment. "5" added.

I agree, a great team. Getting some use out of your LPM I see. Very nice. I'm sure kmm5117 appreciates it.

~ LB
Hahaha yes he did appreciate it but IMO I think I appreciate it as much as the owners do. Gives me the chance to see lasers I might never see otherwise. Sinner's MS-SSW is now high on my list of lasers to build/have SBA build one for me ;)

BTW dragon is still sitting on my kitchen table ;)
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That's a good trade-off :) I think you'd be happy with it. Many interesting diodes too :thinking:

I just made a batch of tiny ones. ;)

~ LB
Freaking awesome, Im in love with this laser , never thought the SSW host would be a match for PL520 Diodes..

Love the images, and graphics.. Esp when i get to be the Sith Lord Darth Sinner!

+1 for the epic review
