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SBA Lasers PL 520 Build / Sinner MS-SSW Host "Malice"

Awesome! :D I'm glad you liked it Lord Sinner. An amazing job on that host. SBA did a great job getting that PL 520 to work, a lot of research on his part. Will have to get one of your new ones soon :beer:

~ LB

PS-is that 488 argon lines coming out of that starship in the first photo? Its on my mind from my maintenance burn of my multiline today
Thanks man :D It is the most unique combination and SBA is the man behind all of this, His work is remarkable needless to say one of a kind!
PS-is that 488 argon lines coming out of that starship in the first photo? Its on my mind from my maintenance burn of my multiline today

Does look like a definite shift into blue. 488nm, thanks! Now I know. I went too blue on my color adjusting :p


Darth Sinner said:
Thanks man It is the most unique combination and SBA is the man behind all of this, His work is remarkable needless to say one of a kind!

Agreed, your design and machining are out of this world too ;)

~ LB
It looks like a perfect multiline argon without any line separation. I dig it :)
