There, on a whim I went to reproduce the exact color of his alleged "503nm" diode.
It's the easiest to do with Green color, only need to nudge the green hue a bit without changing the rest of the picture much. My best at color reproduction:
Further analysis of his new pictures in the opening post with "more wavelengths":
1) 503nm, 473nm and 532nm "diode" lasers all appear to share the exact same host, likes of which I've seen in cheap green lasers.
2) The copper module + heatsink shown in the photo does not belong in such a host. I actually sell a heatsink for these types of hosts, called "Classic" in my shop. It's a two part heatsink because the space is at brutal premium in that host, there is NO way it would fit a heatsink that wide.
3) Pictures in his post in this order:
#9 (Red laser, beam straight, no host visible)
#5 (Green laser, host visible)
#4 (473nm alike blue laser, beam straight, host visible)
Are taken at these dates in this order, according to metadata which he didn't bother to erase before uploading to photobucket:
16th, 20:12
16th, 20:13
16th, 20:14
My opinion: Same laser, different angles, photoshop work. Photoshop Elements 9.0 for Windows software, to be precise.
If I were building some lasers like these, I would take pictures of them during construction and photograph each after it's completed, instead of completing all and taking pictures of all of them afterwards. I'd also photograph the shit out of the machine these diodes came out of. Just me, though
Again, how does he know how to drive these diodes? How do you look up a datasheet if you don't know the exact intended output power of the diode? Simply searching by wavelength can't really cut it.
Something else:
4) His picture of the unmatching module+heatsink combo does not have "Photoshop Elements" in metadata, which means it's not changed. He had no reason to. HOWEVER, it still has the resolution of 3264x1840, which is some 6 MP resolution if I'm not mistaken - the exact same resolution all of his other photos have, and yet they all have the Photoshop stamp in data.
What did he change, if not resolution?