If anyone is interested in getting one of these PA 50mw pointers, I bought 10 of them to check out for competitive analysis to see how they can offer a real 50mw pointer for only $11, which is alot less than I pay for our 5mw units with a large quantity discount.
After testing them, I was completely underwhelmed. Green output is only a small fraction of their IR output, nuff said.
If anyone is interested in buying one or more of the 10 I got, they can email me at
The price will be $12 plus shipping ($12 rather than $11 because I have 50 cents +3-5% added to each credit card transaction). USA shipping is between $5 to $7 because signature confirmation is added. It would be cheaper to buy 2, 3 as the shipping for 3 would only be ~$1 more for several.
If no one buys them all, I'll add them to our bargain bin.
The sale would be final with no returns or warranty except any that you can get through John at PA.
DOn't ask for cherry-picked ones, they are all about the same and I'm not wasting any more time on these except to mail them off.
I will say for $12, they are not too bad for a hobbyist who just needs a host and pointer to experiment with modifying as ruining it would not be a costly loss.