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FrozenGate by Avery

Presale: The Ben Boost

lol,,,and what are those boxes with the numbers in with 'Larger Image' written underneath.?
Whats that about? :D

No clue, it's the first time that's shown up. I was wondering the same thing.

EDIT: Ah! the poduct image was name 1.jpg. If the filename is numbered, it assumes you are going to post multiple images.
That's good to know, now i know how to show multiple images for a product.
I'm assuming if i had uploaded more like 2.jpg, 3.jpg, ect.. it would of replaced the numbered images at the bottom
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I'm still waiting for the boards I ordered from Laen... Yours too mo but I know how long it takes to get to Saskatchewan!!!

Oh jod! I want to burn the a$$ feathers off of the Amazon today! She wont stop screaming and it's getting the macaw's goin it's a scream fest here!!! Wish I had a decable meter!@
I thought that you were going to raise the price now?

ah shit!
I forgot to add them when i listed it.
I list an entirely new product so I can keep track of what i sell and send Ben $1 for each and forgot to add the power options.

Crucify him, crucify him! :D

Output option is there now.

xivlia, your good since since you posted your output in the order notes, so i won't forget.

He's communicating better! :D

Life is good on LPF again.
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I will raise the price when I have the money to buy the components myself instead of presaling
Just a quick question, but will this fit in the C6 host? I saw the question asked earlier and I couldn't find the answer just skimming through the pages of the thread. Also, how would I go about USING it in the C6 host if I can't use the case pin? Sorry if any answers are obvious, all the lasers I've made until now I made my own hosts from PVC or heatsinks.

Just to clarify, this is is what I intended to do: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lE3F7vjYx4U

Could I do this without a continuous negative driver? I'm concerned because the website that sells the Flexdrive v5 seems to be down and I need to find another suitable driver...
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HeHe all you want, just don't come crying when you realize how short that duty cycle is going to be unless you dare go back and read the entire thread as to how to handle it...

Here's to hoping that your reponce is in fact after received that you read some older post in this thread:beer:
The c6 isnt the best host for a 1W burnin laser.. I used round drivers heatsinked to the pil for my c6 builds. I didnt do a 1W 445 though. My first 445 was in a guidesman and that's with 1 linear 1.35A mogasm. it outputs ~1.7W with a G2 lens. It strobes after 45 secs on 2xcr123 fully charged. After a few runs and the bateries wear down a bit I get arround 1.5-1.6W and it will run 80-120secs. The CAT doesnt like me too much! Also there is alot of reading to do.. I have spent weeks reading and I still barely scratched the surface. Read the stickies to start..
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The c6 isnt the best host for a 1W burnin laser.. I used round drivers heatsinked to the pil for my c6 builds. I didnt do a 1W 445 though. My first 445 was in a guidesman and that's with 1 linear 1.35A mogasm. it outputs ~1.7W with a G2 lens. It strobes after 45 secs on 2xcr123 fully charged. After a few runs and the bateries wear down a bit I get arround 1.5-1.6W and it will run 80-120secs. The CAT doesnt like me too much! Also there is alot of reading to do.. I have spent weeks reading and I still barely scratched the surface. Read the stickies to start..

It won't strobe if it's heat sinked adequately. as seen with this 1.8A driver running an m140 diode for 7 minutes straight.
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Yep that's what I read. I have just been waiting for some thermal epoxy to give it a go! Thaught it was going to arrive today but nope... I did however get a m140 and a pl450 today.. :thanks: I'm gona play with the pl450 this afternoon..
Thanks for the suggestions. I was teetering on whether or not to use the C6 as a host, but I wasn't going to push it too hard either. Getting 1.1W~ ish out of a m140 diode isn't really asking much from what I've seen. Plus if I choose the "drill the pill option" which I intend to, The extra heatsinking and room will let me heatsink the driver too. But does anyone know a thread where someone has posted rough estimates for m140 diode's input/output? Like, what amps should I run it at if I'm aiming for just over 1.2W? I might just throw a flexdrive set to 1.5A and see what happens. Just brace myself for short duty cycles....
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Well got some ben boosts today Moh are you sure you sent me 859's My readings are coming out in the 1320-1400 range paralleled... The order I recieved today had the batteries in it. It should have been 2 ben boost 859's the next order is the 3x 667's Hmm could it be the batteries i have need of more current out. I just love Jeff's test load! it's crazzy! I have a graph I'm uploading on my saik build I just have the drivers thermal epoxied to Moh's saik heatsink. I'm still waiting for the host from HK! I must say the heatsink gets hot on a 360sec run...
Sorry That was with a G-2 Lense...

just looking at that is giving me the feeling it's batterie.
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Kiz: why don't you share details about your batteries? That would be useful.

And guys, in general, it's really important to include ALL the info about your setups. As we start accumulating data about these drivers, it's important to not just include some limited info, but rather to share everything relevant, right off the bat. Ie, current set, diode used, or test load type and number of diodes, power source, if cells, then size and brand, etc etc etc.
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Lets see the The new Ultrafire 18650 batteries would'nt even fire it up SUX DONT BUY ULTRAFIRE BATTERIES!!!!! No mater the size or capacity they suck!!! :lasergun:

I have been using the green wrapped sony cells Larry identified. He said they have high output and should work ok for lasers. I have a 5000mah 26650 on the way but it's not here yet amoung other batteries. The juice cr123's are sweet for a c6 build but 1 doent have the current output to bring it up much over 1W out.

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Lets see the The new Ultrafire 18650 batteries would'nt even fire it up SUX DONT BUY ULTRAFIRE BATTERIES!!!!! No mater the size or capacity they suck!!! :lasergun:

I have been using the green wrapped sony cells Larry identified. He said they have high output and should work ok for lasers. I have a 5000mah 26650 on the way but it's not here yet amoung other batteries. The juice cr123's are sweet for a c6 build but 1 doent have the current output to bring it up much over 1W out.


The Juice CR123's are cheap batteries with a pretty label. With 2x using a linear driver, they can't push much more than 1.25A with a 445nm diode
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I should just be making a post on my builds and not posting this info here that way I can have my kinks worked out first and not give anyone the wrong impression... I am sorry... next week it's the benchtop psu not batteries... anyone have a good link on using a benchtop let me know... I'll make a new post in 445 lasers showing all my work. maybe not tonight...

Yep... Juicy! I wont review them but they did give a similar read to the ultrafire cr123's that are longer and dont fit quite as well in a C6.
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