heres me putting up the high band hf antenna.
In the HF radio world, the lower the frequency, the bigger the antenna. This ones for 10m, 11m (cb),12m, 15m and 20m with a tuner. A proper 80m vertical would be 40m long. This ones 5.5m, on a 6m mast.
Yep behind me is over 5 metres of antenna. In front 6.5 metres of pole. As I headed down the sloping roof toward the ladder, I taped the coax to the pole with a roll of tape in my back pocket, which was kept company by a rather large spanner (that fell out and slid down the roof, caught by the rain gutter LOL)
Fortunatly (for me, I couldn't do it on my own) not seen in front and below (manning the winch and camera) is my mate taking up part of the weight. Once you pass 45° its easy to hold the antenna with one hand (on a calm day). Took us about an hour to put the antenna up. Why? coz the bloody thing had to come DOWN again as it was out of tune. Oops
edit: picture fixed. I seem to have issues with pics and this forum LOL