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Post a picture of yourself!

You're not the only one. Guess we need to go out and look for some girlfriends :D

Speak for yourself... I go out every weekend;)

It's the second date after the one night stand that always screws me up:o

Edit... does a one night stand count as a first date even?
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Well TJ, that would make an interesting picture update...provided you were wearing pants when you "spit juice"...:barf:
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Heres a few pictures of me and the family


I'm the dude in blue

Me and my daughter :)

I assumed Shorty was referring to baby batter as the fluid I was spitting.

:thinking: Maybe I'm wrong. AFAIK Jerry made a gay joke, I laughed, and Shorty made another gay joke. But its hard to tell the players from the fans on the forum, so I could be entirely in outer space. Which is not unusual in my case.
