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FrozenGate by Avery

Possible 8X Sled from HighTechDealz

thats pretty small for a peltier.. I wonder what thermal power it can transfer? one, two watts, as would be necessary for a high-power diode?


It's small, but it's transfer is good.

I need 5V x 0.3A = 1.5W..

The tiny peltier can handle 1.5, i'm sure, but i'll test this theory.

The REAL question is how much heat i can pump into a Dorcy or another CR123 host with decent volume.

It will require a special heatsink.

As for thermal transfer, i'll simply use my above calc to pump preciselly that much heat with PulseWidth Modulation from only 4V!

My Diode Analyzor TM now has temperature display as well! ;)

So i'll just tweak the PWM driver till the temperature stays constant.

This should allow me to create a "Reference Lazor" for calibration purposes, as it's power will not depend on temperature anymore, since the heatsink will get the entire heat...

The MaxMass Dorcy design also utilizes the massive Dorcy host as a secondary heatsink! :evil:

The main heatsink was designed to fit it snugly and be held down by aluminum, the design is optimized for good thermal transfer into the host!

I made two such Dorcy 6x's already, they are extremelly stable with nothing but passive cooling!
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Looks like it's time i pre-warm the Cycler by murdering some of these "S03" diodes before i get too excited about real 8x's..

I'll just leave the Cycler naked for now, doesn't have to look pretty to do the job (= sending diodes to heaven.. EDIT: Sorry, hell!). :angel:

Just wondering, if anyone has any suggestions as to what powers i should test? At 300mW they are likelly to pop during plotting... :thinking:
I was thinking 200 and 250mW to see if there are similarities to 6x diodes...
Looks like it's time i pre-warm the Cycler by murdering some of these "S03" diodes before i get too excited about real 8x's..

I'll just leave the Cycler naked for now, doesn't have to look pretty to do the job.

Just wondering, if anyone has any suggestions as to what powers i should test? At 300mW they are likelly to pop during plotting... :thinking:

I was thinking 200 and 250mW to see if there are similarities to 6x diodes...

How many do you have that can be murdered? I was thinking like 250mW also. Then if it survives for longer than expected, it might be able to take more. I can't wait to hear these results. Thanks for doing this Igor!
How many do you have that can be murdered? I was thinking like 250mW also. Then if it survives for longer than expected, it might be able to take more. I can't wait to hear these results. Thanks for doing this Igor!

I had one of my own (died during plotting), now i have three, one is Daguin's Freak (which made people jump and throw money away), the other two Dave got for testing, so he allowed me to kill them if i recall correctly, while the freak can only be re-plotted... :angel:

When plotted these "S03" diodes seem as if they were rated for over 100mW, but they die like 6x's if you plot too high..

That's why i want to compare them to 6x's mostly..

I don't understand how they could be a 2x Writer. I've tested a "2x", "3x" and several 4x's, the "2x" and "3x" (according to the Chinese, who sent them) had powers inferior to PHRs and produced ridiculous plots (i think i posted one).

4x's were slightly better than PHRs, and recently i found that 4x writers need 75mW CW diodes which would explain why.

But it seems that when ratings come close to 100mW CW, diodes "lose" their kinks (however it would seem that they can develope them when overdriven!)....

Maybe "S03's" could be 80-90mW, maybe even 100mW, that's why i want to compare mostly to 6x's..
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Just finished some power testing on my BDR-S03 8X...
with the new brass machined Hi-Power lens assembly.

Here is some of the data where I have been operating:

I (ma) Power(mw) Voltage

190 . . . 226 . . . . 5.2

I think this is a good operating point for this diode.

Another data point, another $100 down the drain :)
Used an aixiz style BR AR coated glass lens.
Dang Lava, that stinks that it died. But thanks for graphing that for us. Unfortunately I think I'm gonna have to live with 200mA on this guy :banghead:
thanks for adding that data point, drlava! :-)
it was "just" a s03 (or F03, as i prefer too) fortunately..

I forgot to mention something about this, altho by now it's a moot point...

The diode that started the S03 madness (the so called freak), which Dave sent me for a re-plot and i was supposed to return to him afterwards.

Well, it wasn't really a freak.
I put it on my Diode Analyzer and set the upper limit to 240mA because i knew that even a GGW would survive as much. If the results were good i planned on going further...

Before i actually reached 240mA the diode went POOF.

But i'm still slightly intrigued by these diodes as they don't have kinks and could in theory be as good as GGWs (and i mean REAL GGWs that haven't been available for almost a year now - the Chinese are selling prototype GGW sleds which contain GBW diodes).

Currently there is no diode to fill the GGWs place, but it would be interesting to know if an S03 can outlast a SF-AW in a side-by-side race to death.
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