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FrozenGate by Avery

Poll: What do you want to see in a Power Meter?

What type do you want to see most?

  • The super kenometer

    Votes: 8 14.8%
  • The usb kenometer

    Votes: 33 61.1%
  • Regular kenometer with pc interface

    Votes: 13 24.1%

  • Total voters
Darn, i wanted to vote on a Ken-o-bee meter. Humm i wonder..

Hey, doin't blame me, at least it would have everything.
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I will have to 2nd that Mac Compatibility comment. I can build PC's from spare parts but I switched to Mac over 4yrs ago and have no interest in Windows other than on bootcamp for games.

I'd be curious to see a poll of who here is Mac,Windows,Linux.

I will have to 2nd that Mac Compatibility comment. I can build PC's from spare parts but I switched to Mac over 4yrs ago and have no interest in Windows other than on bootcamp for games.

I'd be curious to see a poll of who here is Mac,Windows,Linux.


Mac compatibility will probably just make it more expensive. I honestly don't understand what's so good about Mac's. You can't say it's ignorance because I've been fixing computers for almost a good ten years now. I honestly feel they just suck and create incompatibility issues which actually makes computers take a step back because the whole idea of the computer was to unite electronics and the world, not give someone headaches. I have no respect for Apple as a company
Good idea Dave. Poll made. http://laserpointerforums.com/f58/what-type-computer-geek-you-46038.html


In those last 10 years how many Macs have you "Had" to fix?

The only compatibility issues that Mac's have is people not writing software for them and that has shrank to almost nothing.

With the exception of the gaming community most everything you buy now has the nessasary Mac software included if its not just plug and play.

The reason people like Macs is simple. They just work. No spyware, no viruses, no bloated anti-piracy measures put in place that do nothing to really prevent piracy it just makes every honest customers life hell.

All I can say is get one and try it for 6mts. A used Mac Mini can be had for around $400 US and is a nice little everyday machine.

If after that time you want to switch back to windows come here and post your reasons why and what negative things you have experienced in the world of Mac.

I'd be willing to bet you won't switch back. :)

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@ Lasher...
why don't you link to your poll....

BTW... if you want to send me a Mac... I'd be more than happy to test
it for 6 months... and post my results...
Can you use Visual Basic to design Software for the Mac...:thinking:

If not... what can you use that is similar....

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You know Jerry if I had an extra Mac laying around I would love 2 :)

Poll link has been added btw. :D

I used to program in VB 5 several years ago. Not for work just as a hobby and to help out the course instructors with a database where I was at school. Always liked it but it was mainly for making front ends for Access Databases back then. At least what I did was.

Everything done on Macs now is done in X-Code. The basic software is on every Mac install disk.

I currently have the full SDK for the iPhone to write Apps and am very slowing learning my way around it. (wonder if I could talk Apple into installing a thermopile sensor on the back of the next gen iPhone) :thinking:

A lot of what is being done is written in Objective-C so if you done any work with that language you will pic it up with ease.

Again I'm just a hobbyist and don't do this for a living. I'm just a simple custom woodworker that has a love of computers that has been at it since the days of MS DOS and Windows 3.1 lol

I learn new stuff most every day... I just don't have the time
to learn a new Programming language at the present time..
We'll see what data your Poll spits out first...:san:

I with ya man. Seems to me anymore there are just not enough hours in the day for all the stuff I want/need to be doing :)

hahaha tetris. Auto zero would be fail.

Imagine the thing starts zerooing itself WHILE the laser is pointed at it. "whatya mean this laser is zero mW?" wouldn't work very well.

Nice idea though.

Ken, the Auto-Set in oscilloscopes is done by pressing a button. Same thing could be done with the Kenometer, no need to constantly auto-zero it.
That's the same principle we use for the Peak Detector on the LaserBee I...
You reset it to Zero when you want..

That's the same principle we use for the Peak Detector on the LaserBee I...
You reset it to Zero when you want..


Exactly :) How else would the power meter know when to zero?

well sure, I figured it would ALWAYS autozero. hehe the power gets to 150mw as soon as you shine your 150mw laser on it and instantly goes to 0! uhh that was pointless. The new version will however have a zero taht you can set anytime. Just push a button.
