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FrozenGate by Avery

What type of computer geek are you?

Mac, Windows, or Linux what are you running.

  • Total voters


Sep 8, 2009
Mac, Windows, Linux.

I'm curious to see what my fellow forum members are running.

Please no flame wars about what is better for what. We all have our own reasons for what we use and prefer.


Your Poll is Biased... just by the comments on your Poll choices... :undecided:

I don't have Spyware or Viruses.... so I have no choice open to me...

I thought this was going to be a Non-Biased Poll to see if the
Kenometer USB Software should also be designed for the Mac
as well as any Windows Computer...:cool:

It was done tongue in cheek Jerry.

A little humor never hurt anyone.

I got the idea in the Kenometer thread but this poll is just for fun to see who uses what OS. It is in no way ment to be used as any deciding factor in the design of Kenoms product.

N/P if this is just a farce... the data will just be skewed...:crackup:

Well... if it had been a serious Poll I may have used the Poll Data to
see if we should include a Mac or Linux Data Logging Software option
for the LaserBee products... Guess that's not going to happen...:cool:

I refuse to vote on this rediculously biased poll. The term "hypocrite" comes to mind.

I am sorry...but it's true.
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Glad you make yourself feel better by bashing a product because yours sucks so bad......
you know why there are no viruses for a Mac because you can't make them any crapper then they all ready are and as a matter of cat I bet if a pc guy wrote a virus for a mac he would make it better.
Glad you make yourself feel better by bashing a product because yours sucks so bad......
you know why there are no viruses for a Mac because you can't make them any crapper then they all ready are and as a matter of cat I bet if a pc guy wrote a virus for a mac he would make it better.

:huh: Wa..What?
I use a PC, but I'm sensible and have a slight amount of common sense to I don't get viruses or spyware.

I would point out how bias your poll is, but it's been mentioned :)

I have used linux from time to time just for a bit of fun, I have yet to own a mac but I do a lot of web design work so it would nice to own one.

As for it not getting viruses, and it being "imune" according to there advertisments this simply isn't true, viruses can be written and directed to attak any OS but because the majority of the world uses windows, writing a virus for the 10% of people who use macs is pointless :)

Maybe you should edit the options to a less bias poll, then the results can be used in a useful way :)
Hmmm. Ya, my 1st thought too was the choices, followed by "Please no flame wars", then of course come the flames.. aargh.. lol

I don't think useful poll results is Lasher's intent. He said he was curious what fellow members are running.

Ah, well.. Hey, I like Windows at home, for my hobbies and online presence, and in my day gigs have been a command-line Unix guy for a lot longer (since the 80's). For their GUI, Solaris and Linux suck. For graphics and software availability, they suck. As servers, they're top notch. So, there are pros and cons to all, depending on you, usage, applications, etc.

So far, it doesn't seem that there will ever be the quality and availability of software for Linux that we have for Windows, when it comes to desktop usage for the masses. For that matter, the Mac has less available, but is very stable for people who just want basic stuff and don't want to worry about doing any administration.

As far as viruses and spyware are concerned, one must be vigilant. It's not because you have one OS or another, it's because there are assholes who think it's cool to write such crap. Any careless person can have their system affected.

We're well beyond the "IBM PC" age, so if we're talking about personal computers, it's accurate to say that a Mac is a PC. The marketing war is really between MS Windows and Apple Mac OS, not between PC and Mac. A Mac IS a PC.
Wow. So much for having a fun poll or a sense of humor. I've never seen so many stick in the mud attitudes in my life.

This was done in Jest and if no one here can see that quite clearly then you really should get out more.

If all this forum is about is stone cold science and has no room for fun or humor then maybe I've misjudged everyone here.

Lighten up already

Wow. So much for having a fun poll or a sense of humor. I've never seen so many stick in the mud attitudes in my life.

This was done in Jest and if no one here can see that quite clearly then you really should get out more.

If all this forum is about is stone cold science and has no room for fun or humor then maybe I've misjudged everyone here.

Lighten up already

You are so right. I must say I saw it coming tho. Like that thread where Dave asked for advice on Anti-virus, this subject is as bad as religion or politics.. Ya just can't have a light-hearted discussion. Kudos anyway!
