Yes, can't be helped that it dries with a slight yellowish but more white look (at least that's what it looks like using the epoxy that I sent you from Harbor Freight).
It does however give the unit some dimension that is rather pleasing to the eye.
All I did was try it on one of the 2 grooves that are in the couple flashlights I sent you. Have lots of those lights sitting around as I "stole" some of the rubber pieces off of them to make some of the patters you cna see on the bottoms and even the tops of some of the lasers I showed in the pics. At 19 lumens, they actually put out just enough light to not overpower what you are working on and not to big to hold in your third hand (mouth) when needed Lol. Most of my lights are way too bright to use for any kind of close up work.
Good, since Walmart is one of my stops. Need to get a shower in and head out as I would like to get back before the mail comes in case my QS software is in it.