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PERMANENT THREAD: Ebay& other internet FINDS of interest- read all the OP please sub

Yep, then they fiber couple a pile of those pump arrays to pump a gain medium.... such as erbium/ytterbium doped double clad active fiber, add some Bragg gratings to clean up any waste and viola..... a quality high power beam that can do real work. These fiber laser systems are getting smaller and smaller ( more compact ) and more powerful as well as more affordable..... I hope we seem more eye-safe 1400nm++ systems and visible systems in the near future.

Check out this fiber side pumping innovation..... I wonder if this is really better than classic double clad ?
Edit: Ahh I see, smaller fiber, it's easier to sheath two tiny fibers than to draw out double clad, makes sense..... It amazes me they can draw out such perfect glass fiber..... fine tuning the manufacturing technique over time, but still it's pretty amazing.

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Does this seem right? 2.3W of 850nm in a TO-18 diode for less than $8/ea?

Yea they are pretty common, I grabbed a pair, also I got a pair of these modules with glass lens.

I have may pairs of glasses to cover uv-vis-nir but also have a pair of these goggles. I will test them later.

Yep, then they fiber couple a pile of those pump arrays to pump a gain medium.... such as erbium/ytterbium doped double clad active fiber, add some Bragg gratings to clean up any waste and viola..... a quality high power beam that can do real work. These fiber laser systems are getting smaller and smaller ( more compact ) and more powerful as well as more affordable..... I hope we seem more eye-safe 1400nm++ systems and visible systems in the near future.

Check out this fiber side pumping innovation..... I wonder if this is really better than classic double clad ?
Edit: Ahh I see, smaller fiber, it's easier to sheath two tiny fibers than to draw out double clad, makes sense..... It amazes me they can draw out such perfect glass fiber..... fine tuning the manufacturing technique over time, but still it's pretty amazing.

Unlikely we'll get vis fiber sources in the near future. As far as I know the only one actively experimented on is green from Er3+ fibers. Nonlinear conversion in OPOs/OPAs is just too simple to bother implementing custom wavelengths anymore. I don't think I know any lab that has any modern sources with constant wavelength (except HeNe ofc) that's not semiconductor.
Yea, probably not vis active fiber lasers across the entire visible spectrum.... although 450nm blue arrays are being used more in some industry, so we could see active fiber lasers pumped by 450nm become a common reality in the not so distant future.

This is not an active fiber unit but a fiber coupled 450nm array that's a 1st step along the way. Note there are many other producers of these blue fiber coupled arrays.

A green fiber coupled array. ( Not active fiber )


Thanks for the info about OPO's/OPA's, it's very interesting and I can see OPO systems being used in research labs, but OPO lasers are still very expensive and output power is not that much where as active fiber is an industrial workhorse in common use with growing applications, but I agree that investment in visible active fiber may be slow.

atomd what have you seen in visible quantum dot laser diode development/use ?

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looks like each of the color strings are wired separately with a common ground
That's a great price too. Just be aware that China is about to shut down for their New Year holiday so nothing is going to even ship for a few weeks.
I hope that means we eventually get only red and only green micro arrays. A 10W five emitter green would be ridiculous. I guess technically we could cut this array in half and use only the red half for a 10W red!
My order for the RGB array got cancelled yesterday. They claim it did not produce sufficient power so they will let me know when they have units that perform better. Right now the listing is still up so I wonder if other orders will also be cancelled while its still up.
