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FrozenGate by Avery

Ok, yeah...but why?

In addition to keeping sharp, try taking some nootropic drugs (piracetam, etc.) if Alzheimer's runs in your family. Supposedly they're neural-protective in trials involving mice.

Man...I don't trust pharmaceuticals...I prefer the medicine mother nature gives me...and Colorado just made legal. lol!
"You know what they call alternative medicine that's been proved to work? Medicine."
-Tim Minchin
I also dislike the practice people have, of popping a painkiller or whatever at the slightest bit of headache or whatever can just be sat through in 5 minutes. You're stuffing your body with chemicals it's not used to.

Best antibiotic? removed and garlic. Shove some of that stuff in yourself next time you have barbeque or some fitting meal. Not only does it kill all bad stuff in your own body, if you exhale bit harder, it'll kill everything in your backyard too :D

Offtopic, Lazerbeak, cool name. Like one of the Decepticon Transformers. Have something like this for an avatar and it'll be awesome!
Wow, did this thread take a turn...screw it, it's my thread! Next topic: The impact of the African Union and the influence on it by the European Union.
Well, since the original question was answered, it's a shame for forum space to go unwasted :p
Hey, Z...I don't know if I've mentioned it enough, but I LOVE the SAiK heatsink you made for me! It's so freaking big! I didn't realize, until re-reading a build thread w/ one of your heatsinks, that you designed it to fit a 17mm round in it. I already got my square driver, so I'm going to have to modify the pill it seems. I've sunk the driver pretty hard.
I don't think you did...

In any case, the heatsink is designed so that the host completely omits the pill. Just use a blank 17mm board, and fit your square driver into the 12mm tube leading up to the diode.

I had to remove the pill to get that few extra milimeters needed for the host to accept pretty much every single lithium ion cell known to man. 18650, 26500, 32500, 26650, 32650, you name it.

With the pill in place, the 65mm long cells, especially ones with protection circuit, either won't let the cap close fully or are under terrible pressure inside.
Well, that explains why I haven't had an issue. I'm using the 3XAA sled w/ 14500s to power it. We never discussed the size/intention of your fine heatsink, so I just went with it, ignorant of the design. I suppose when I put it up for sale, I could offer a customized re-configuration from it's current state...
The original 3xAA sled fits just fine. Though, I hope not all 14500's are in series, unless you are using a switching buck driver, otherwise there's a whole lot of energy wasted as heat.
Yes, I am using an adjustable 3.1A Blitzbuck, set @ 2.4A. It is independently heatsinked and will be stuck to a penny in the pill as well. I am assuming the standard (parallel?) sled will suffice with this. I still have to run some tests with that...
Uhh I think the stock sled was actually all in series...

Not 100% positive on that, though. Can you check?
In any event, you want it to be in series if you want to use a buck that, assuming that the buck driver can take some 13 Volts of input.
