Podo really has picked up the ball and run with it, I bet that setup would be nice on a NUBM06 with a G7 and that 3x, even some Teflon tape could be used to seal the install.....sigh, well 1 thing at a time, I want to combine 2 corrected 44's and hopefully employ that 10 expander, could be epic.
Please do post your results, and remind everyone to be careful, tightening the divergence extends the range and means we all have to be forever careful where our beams go, just like bullets KNOW YOUR BACKSTOP.
Cheers :beer:
Looking at the output lens diameter of the 10x BE is shows 36mm and my input beam is 7mm in a flat ribbon, I may need to re align a pair for no more than 3.5mm output beam width even if it means giving up some to gain more, you would think a more powerful convex cyl could pick up the diverging beam from the concave closer to where it starts spreading. Althogh I do run negative from my aperture beam diameter to 6-8 feet reaching about 75% spot size, hopefully this will negate clipping, if not I may need t go with a 3x correction to use this 10x expander with it's 36mm objective/output lens.
I will try it and see and adjust as necessary.
Hi Red, I'll order 2 BE from PODO tomorrow along with 2 adapters he sells to mod to fit a M9 x 0.5mm adapter for our lenses.Hey it all about if you don't try it you'll never know so i'll wing it.. I would like to test these out on some of my single modes ..
Where does he list those adaptors, I want to try one as well?
Is that the same as the saber adaptor? Ok I see it is, I think I can just cut my own threads, thanks.
I found them and ordered the adaptor too, these should be fun, and the expanders will seal my lens cavity from smoke and dust, two issues solved at once.

Update: While waiting for my expanders I have been doing much testing and burnt some smoke or particulate onto my G2 on this latest build as it is the least air flow limited as far as it's optics cavity.
So I tore the unit down and rebuilt it with a SANWU G2 and it fits really tight with the 9mm lens spring letting me re adjust it, so it is possible to set your lenses up and leave the G2 adjustable so long as the spring is tight and podo's G2 seems to have minimal lens thread slack side to side.
But DTR's G2 is cleaner as far as it's output, but you will have to manually tweak side to side lens thread play if you leave it adjustable.
I still like DTR G2 the best, but this has been fun to experiment with, and it burns like a little blow torch.
Yes it's nice to do a good job on an aesthetically pleasing build, but a crude yet functional test bed that's fun to knock around and experiment with is a lot of fun as well.
p.s. The UV curing glue makes resetting lens position easy, just attach them to a base so you can crack the base loose without hurting the lenses.