Sorry, just a personal opinion, but i think the point is not if the laser is irresponsible .....
Is a desk knife "irresponsible", if i use it for stab your hand on the desk, or is me ? ..... are ammonia and clorine "irresponsibles" if i mix them and send some peoples in hospital for ammonium chlorue gas poisoning, or is me ? ..... is my power wall plug "irresponsible" if i play in it with a metal wire and get shocked, or is me ? ..... is my bicycle "irresponsible" if i go around on it without look where i go and send you in hospital, or is me ? ..... and so on .....
There are really too much things that are considered so common that none think about them, can be "irresponsibly used", but are not irresponsible themselves ..... all this dust lifted around lasers from media and newspapers and bad internet sites, is just a practical demonstration about how much ignorance is needed for do these works
IMHO, the gov agencies, media and news peoples, and so on, more than simply ban anything of that what they don't know or understand, just cause of their ignorance, may do much better works instructing and educating peoples about things to do and to not do, with all these things (and not just lasers) ..... lasers, as any other potential item, are not irresponsible, PEOPLES can be.