Yes I agree and that's information we don't have yet and no issue once in hand, no issue what so ever once in hand.
My dilemma as the price plus shipping is now 150.00 range each diode is which version of FAC corrected diodes will be better at maintaining beam shape over distance, lenses can be adjusted, but how well the FAC has adjusted the divergence of the fast axis is my question.....yes I know we will have to wait and see.
I am interested to know how well these FAC corrected nubm08 diodes compare to a 6X c-lens corrected nubm44 which is a sister diode only wavelength is 455 vs. 445 however raw divergence and output is comparable, and I don't expect they could be any better but they would be more convenient for PBS combining and knife edging, the line output FAC corrected for knife edging and likely the square beam output FAC corrected diodes for PBS combining.........but maybe not, not if one holds it's beam shape better over distance than the other, I am not building a CNC for point blank only use and I fear the square beam FAC corrected diode may not hold it's shape over distance as well as the line output unit might.....again I know we will see in time.
I also have NDB7A75 c-lens corrected beams that are very good and do 5w which I seriously doubt a single lens FAC could match, I would be happily surprised if they are as good or dare I dream better, but given the physics I imagine they are not, however if pretty good then let the beam combining begin.
My issue is how many do I buy now not knowing how long the supply may last and which FAC corrected version will be better at holding it's corrected beam shape, adjusting optics once in hand is not an issue..........I don't expect a guaranteed answer, just looking for insight......your see what ya got when in hand is insight of sorts but I am looking for a bit more cerebral information.