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  • Hey Woody....You sure are spending alot'a time on LPF lately ….HAHAHAHA....Me too !!! Seems as if new diodes and other stuff pops up here first !!! PL is still viable....but seems a bit stale !! I really think Modulaser is Da'Schizz !!!! I still have SOOOOoooo many projects going.....CRAZY !!!......Bob
    Yeah LPF always the first with new diodes. PL slow, no new projects over there. I will post something i discovered soon. I will give you a teaser... I have combined the three beam red diode into one overlapped beam.
    MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. ?????????????? .....THAT is a TEASE !!! You DOG !!! I gave a brief think on that...and decided I was TOOOoooo lazy to try to do !!! HAHAHA !!!!.....Knife Edge....OR....B/B/B.....Beam on Beam on Beam !!!! ???????????????????????? Later, Bob
    LS...…...My Paypal addy is


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    Will supply your total when I have the address.

    Thanx, Bob
    Hey Bob.

    Thanks for putting this together. Is this how the new board does PM's or is this thread "visable" to others?

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