Hmm thought i was editing sry for the double post.
So are you leaving PWM floating or just giving it constant power?
I decided to make a new pcb for my drivers that have pads for both the shutdown pin and pwm.
As i use my pwn as TTL in my projectors.
But the shutdown/engage pin is nice to if you wanted to make a side clicky button to have a second on switch.
You can see the pads for them.
To use them all you have to do is cut the trace.
Also as i was explained there is some over shoot but its small without the slope.
But when it first starts up it helps control current and keep it from going over what you set it.
These are great little chips.
I wish i remembered more of the conversations i had with the stc1a about driving it to 1.5A i know it can do it but i dont remember how long and how nice it was.
I do like the stcs1a due to their small size. if the 2a was a bit smaller it could fit inside an aixiz housing.