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New B/S/T section?

New B/S/T Section?

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I'm not sure I see the issue here. I could care less if a few non laser related items are being sold so long as the poster has met the requirements to post there.

I did *not* however notice the fact that the description of the forum specifically states lasers and laser pointers. Following that logic there should be no LPMs posted for sale, nor lenses, batteries, chargers, laser warning stickers....The list goes on and on.

I will admit, I'm guilty of selling non laser related stuff now and then though so my judgement might be biased. I think the first thing I ever sold was an iPhone case for the cost of shipping alone. ;)
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^ I don't care if they are sold on LPF, but I would like to keep it organised so I don't miss the good laser deals :D I've sold non-laser stuff via LPF before as well.

The regular B/S/T would be for lasers, and laser related items which includes LPMs, chargers ect.
i just listed a light for sale here its under the B/S/T (once approved). if there was an off topic B/S/T section it would have gone there but im also willing for laser trades so i guess its fine :na:

i still say a separate section would be nice though. has anyone brought this to ped, dave or even Ave's attention yet or are we just trying to get supporters right now?
We would have to bring it to Ave to get it done, but I would like to see some more opinions :)
If we were to add such a subforum, the requirements for posting would have to be a fair bit stricter than the B/S/T section, maybe a requirement of at least 6 months membership, 10 rep power and 200 posts? I dunno, otherwise it's just gonna turn into a forum full of spam. I don't mind regular forum members/vets etc posting non-laser stuff up for sale/trade, but you'll end up with a heap of noobs as soon as they reach 20 posts trying to flog off all their crap here.
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Well opening a sub forum section would just be to keep things in a certain order. I don't see why there is fear in many items being listed, this is a laser based forum, and unless you like lasers you most likely won't even care in posting things for sale here, a good way to control the access to the area would be the rep power. That is most likely the best way to see if someone is an active forum member or not.
I dunno, otherwise it's just gonna turn into a forum full of spam. I don't mind regular forum members/vets etc posting non-laser stuff up for sale/trade, but you'll end up with a heap of noobs as soon as they reach 20 posts trying to flog off all their crap here.

Voted no for the exact same reason.

The forum is not that active that hundreds of new threads pop up in the B/S/T.

Nor are there tons of completely off topic sales.

In creating a new BST section I think we will either see a section that gets almost no traffic (if high restrictions for posting in it are set), or one that will be flooded with people trying to sell their stuff off in the same way as craigslist.
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I'm voting NO Arg.

The B/S/T is meant for lasers or laser related products but like most other sections, their not "set in stone"... there is some leeway .
Agreed, when you took that screenshot there were a few non laser items there, but they were only at the top because there was interest in them, also, it's rare that there are that many non laser items at the top.
A lot of members would prefer to sell on the forums if they can to avoid the costs & idiots on feebay ect and if someone here gets something they want & a good deal, I don't see much harm in that.

Obviously if the B/S/T section started getting flooded with non laser items then that's a different story and action would be taken, but at the moment, I don't think it warrants another (sub) section.

Just my opinion of course :D
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It's not like there are thousands of non Laser related
Threads in the B/S/T sections.
Although the no Laser related sales threads should
perhaps be kept out of the B/S/T Pro Shop.

I can't see a reason to open a "Special" B/S/T for "other"
stuff. It would just become a "classified ads" place for the
anyone to sell their dog.. or freezer or etc.

After all this is a Laser related Forum..... a few nick-nacks
won't upset the cart... IMO

Just because the top 5 now are heavy on non-laser stuff, does NOT equate to a problem.
Count up all of the threads with posts in the last month
You will see that non-laser related stuff is a VERY small percentage of the stuff for sale

I have a few non-laser related items I would like to sell on here. While I was looking at the B/S/T area, I felt like it would almost be in bad taste to post items that are not laser related... I vote yes...
Good points have been raised from both sides. Especially the one about the New B/S/T being full of junk. I'm not sure if I agree with my own proposition anymore.

Interesting discussion at any rate.
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Most other forums i am a member of include a "other items B/S/T" section.
One main reason is you can trust alot of the members on here not to muck you around like people do on feebay etc..
As others have said sometimes they don't think its appropriate to sell some of there stuff in the regular BST, so they just don't bother.. So we end up missing out on a lot of stuff we may want?
I for one would love to have a general BST as well!
Also, the money that comes from "other BST" items would most likely go back on laser related stuff anyway 99% of the time!

I vote yes. And what is wrong with a thread with a bunch of junk on it? You know the saying "one man's junk is another man's treasure"
Just a thought... let's just drop a sticky in the main BST section, saying you can sell non laser related items.

See what happens.

If it gets flooded with other stuff, create a new section. If it doesn't, keep it as it is.
