ok Looks like I had fun yesterday..
I want to say a couple things.
1. - Dont atempt this at home we are all pro's right.. HAHA
2. I was really trying to kill this diode (because I missed out on the info) and it won so far. If you want to keep your 9mm diode DONT try this.
So Unless you are willing to part with it I would keep it sane! I just couldnt help myself after I saw 3W readings Blew me away!
Alot put there lasers in the freezer to get higher readings. Its a Quick Way to get your laser cold.
Most of the Time people only leave it in for a Short Period of time and does not cause a Problem for the Optics because it was not left in there long enough.
However if you Miss Judge the amount of time you leave it in which can be just a few seconds difference or your air condition are not perfect you will get condensation on the lens and diode window.
That is the problem that i see why its not a good idea to use the freezer and iam Sure is similar as to What DTR was saying.
Just trying to help friend.
These sucker are strong. If you are Trying to kill it you better get out the chainsaw as these can take a beating.:crackup:
What was the Highest Currant you took it.??
Its Pretty Crazy to see 3W.

Its Fing Bright as Hell.LOL
Now get a TEC setup in that Handheld of yours so you can Have it stay at 3W+ for a Longer period rather then drop like a stone from warming up out of the freezer.
Have you took it outside yet.?:scared:
I took mine Outside the Other day when it was a LITTLE FOGGY :eg: and even though my setup is not done and was Not even in a Complete unit yet i turned it on and man was I impressed.! THe Beam that comes out of 3.4W+ is NUTS>!!!!!:bowdown: I also took a 1900mW 445nm out with me to compare and IMO it was Literally Night and Day.:eg: NO Comparison.
Kinda scary when you think about it.:tinfoil:
I was not able to take beam shots.