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My Bad experiences with Chris Leubner(hesc_photonics)

You're basically saying that he is not responsible for sending out good diodes. It's okay to just send out a POS diode just because there is "no warranty"

That's not what I'm saying at all, but you could interpret it that way if you want. What I'm saying is that if all the other sellers of laser diodes don't offer warranties, why should/would Chris make an exception especially for you?

Sure, the seller could hide behind this. That's why you've got to trust your seller. As I said, I'm not endorsing or defending Chris. I'm just telling you how it is everywhere else.
Flea-bay bogus dealer....heruursciences - Photonlexicon

Started by a rival seller who bought low $$ diodes and killed them all for revenge.

Matt proves he is really jealous instead of "scammed" by stealing my old ebay user ID and making comments about me making too much money on ebay etc

The fact of that thread is that many people are unhappy with your service and products, this thread goes to show the same thing.

Why would he buy those diodes and then "kill them for revenge". It is far more likely that YOU are the one shipping either not tested diodes or not shipping them properly. MechEng on Photonlexicon has far more knowledge then you do, best demonstrated by your obvious lack of knowledge in your ebay listings.

50W 808 diode-bar on ebay, worth the cash? - Photonlexicon

Sour grapes over reselling equipment bought from other ebay members.

I know Kevin personally, and I have met him many times. He does not buy from other ebay members to resell, he buys local surplus and resells it.

BUYER BEWARE! EBAY SELLER HERUURSCIENCES!!!!!!!!!! - alt.lasers | Google Groups

Matt gibson's, attempt at flaming and eventual theft of my ebay user name.

Theft of your eBay used name? How so? His case was exactly the same as what happened with me, plus you demonstrated your total disregard for eBay policy by posting his personal information from eBay in a public place.

HGM won't lase - Photonlexicon

The starter gap was shook loose by the 200# gorillias at UPS- problem was easily fixed.

Perhaps, but I didn't get the impression you gave correct information either...

Ebay YAG Laser - View topic :: Laser Community

Not sure why he put this one there, other than plug for junktronix, a rival seller of mine.

Other members not happy with your products of services.



O i see you rip off people, as there is no information from the paties you wronged it was ever made right.

They all got exactly what they paid for. I sold a 611nm HeNe which was verified on a Ocean Optics Spectrometer before shipping. The buyer said it didn't appear orange to him. He received something that puts out 611nm light, if it doesn't appear orange to his eyes, that is his problem.

The other issue was purly my shipping mistake. The buyer made a huge deal about it before even trying to contact me. I fixed the problem and he then proceeded to try and scam another member with what I sold him.

Nice. I see how you hide your store on a web forum.. and apperently not deliver what you offer at all.

What the hell does that have to do with anything? I am not trying to "Hide in a web forum" I own that forum, the domain, and every bit of content. I put my store there and sold products with no problems. The company I sold for, Lasever, has been having problems and I have no longer been selling for them. I never accepted a sale and didn't follow through. The buyer called me before buying and asked about a product. I told him I could no longer provide the product from the store, but I would see if I can get it from a different supplier and I would call him back if I could.

Also, you better be able to prove your libelous statement that i sent you an empty envelope, Ben.

I didn't receive it, do you have any proof of the address you shipped it to? If you are claiming I received it, you should have some proof of shipment with address on it. Why is it you don't use paypal to ship your items? Then they would be an actual paper trail and this kind of thing wouldn't happen.
Ben, please respond to the issue of your side of our trade, you have received my item yet I have not received yours.......
Heruur - I have nothing bad to say UNLESS YOU CONTINUE TO IGNORE ME!!!

i kindly paid you $125 for 1x red 1Watt 9mm diode!

And you havent spoken to me since.... but you DID accidently reply to an OLD pm i sent you like 2 weeks before where i had asked about a C-MOUNT diode, you were all about selling me that thing. you tried pretty hard... but unknowingly you were talking to a customer who had ALREADY paid you $125 using a different paypal adress, THUS you contradict yourself! all of these accusations are begining to seem true...

All you would have to do is

A) Confirm the order was made "i have all the proof i need"
B) SEND ME MY PACKAGE!!! its not that hard.

OH i almost forgot... how about the time you sent me a rude ass message on ebay because you were "high"

... dont make me quote it here for everyone to see... i dont think that would go over so well.

So c'mon Heruursciences, whats it gunna be? are you going to blatently rip me off and force me to open a dispute? Or are you going to avoid all that trouble and just send me that damn lousy diode!

You have 5 days sir, then its fair game :D and i will win, mark my words.

i bought a hene laser tube from him on the 22nd of june, it hasn't arrived yet.
opened a dispute after reading this thread.
It wont arrive either im sorry to say, im almost 100% sure. he has shown his HORRIBLE reliability over and over again...

Heruur - I have nothing bad to say UNLESS YOU CONTINUE TO IGNORE ME!!!

i kindly paid you $125 for 1x red 1Watt 9mm diode!

And you havent spoken to me since.... but you DID accidently reply to an OLD pm i sent you like 2 weeks before where i had asked about a C-MOUNT diode, you were all about selling me that thing. you tried pretty hard... but unknowingly you were talking to a customer who had ALREADY paid you $125 using a different paypal adress, THUS you contradict yourself! all of these accusations are begining to seem true...

All you would have to do is

A) Confirm the order was made "i have all the proof i need"
B) SEND ME MY PACKAGE!!! its not that hard.

OH i almost forgot... how about the time you sent me a rude ass message on ebay because you were "high"

... dont make me quote it here for everyone to see... i dont think that would go over so well.

So c'mon Heruursciences, whats it gunna be? are you going to blatently rip me off and force me to open a dispute? Or are you going to avoid all that trouble and just send me that damn lousy diode!

You have 5 days sir, then its fair game :D and i will win, mark my words.


Can't help you with this one, Chris.. You can only hide behind the lack of warranty if the customer actually receives the item.

The way I see it as an impartial observer, Chris, there's two possibilties: Either you really are randomly scamming people or you're not organized enough to handle the business you're getting. Either way, you've got to do something about it. You can only have so much negative credibility before things get very bad for you along with your customers.
He freaking admited to with-holding my money, and told me to open a dispute because "he's not scared"

not yet anyways... anyone got his return address???

Post it up, anyone wanna go with me :D

So now he's just outright robbing people? Oh well, why bother keeping up the facade of an honest person if it's easier to just take your money?
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Nice one darkarmy... I am disgusted by people like you trying to screw me, i'd love to see your proof of your outrageous claims. I REFUNDED YOUR MONEY, so leave me the F alone.

Note to all concerned on LPF I will be having a live auction of all my laser equipment in THREE weeks. I have found that e-sales are too stressful and a bloodbath game. You will get a chance to get some very good deals on stuff
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^That's probably for the best.. there is just too much negative feedback going around. It really makes it hard to tell if you're on the up and up or not.. There are many people who do e-business successfully every day. I have not heard of any business that doesn't have at least a little negative feedback, but there are complaints against you spanning every laser-related forum/networking site around.

You may wonder just why I have an interest in this. It is because I'm impartial. I have successfully done business with you without incident, so I am not biased toward either side. I feel that, in light of the sheer number of complaints against you, there should be an impartial party involved here because both you and the people complaining are biased toward your own side of things. So far, I have found entirely too many complaints to be simply dismissed as "occasional occurrences" or to attribute them entirely to people just being out to get you. Like I said in my previous post, there are only two possibilities: 1) You are dishonest or 2) you are too disorganized. Either way, it's unacceptable and you can't hold it against your customers that they want to protect themselves.

You'll eventually have to either clean up your act or go out of business. As more and more complaints rack up, you'll find that there are fewer and fewer excuses that will work.
I have decided that i will sell of all my inventory in THREE weeks at a live auction, interested parties should contact me directly for a preview or an early take all offer, i'll try to update this page with exact quantities on hand. My asking price is $50K or best offer, Break even is about 3-6 months of hard work on ebay. If no offers i'll go ahead and sell at live auction.
Chris, if you are still reading the forums at the moment, please can you take a look at my PM regarding the TO-3 diodes.

DAoO, calling him a "bastard" isn't going to help the situation. I think that many people on this forum need to realise that Chris isn't on the forum all the time, and may take a while to reply.
