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Laser_Ben is a rip off! Don't buy from him!!!!

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Aug 13, 2008
I bought a 125mw 532nm laser module and Laser_Ben sent me a "AA" size battery. :wtf:

I have begun the paypal dispute.

This is the address on the package and from his paypal account.

10430 Lockwood Dr
Cupertino, CA 95014
United States
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What the hell...

Did you try the appropriate battery? Perhaps the laser works just fine, and he acctidently sent you the wrong battery. Have you even contacted him directly about this?

It is not fair at all to call him a conman if you have not tried any efforts to rectify this in a civilized manor.
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dude carefull with the "f" words but yea this sounds like a missunderstanding
laserben is a cool cat in my book
Hi John,

I think I know what is happening. I fixed a pointer for a friend and it had rechargeable batteries with it when I got it. When i sent it back to him, I forgot to send one of the batteries. Thus I stuck it in a envelope and it got mixed up with your pointer module which he received. He was confused. I will send you another module no problem, that's my mistake. I hope you can understand! All of my small items I ship in the same small mailers and I just got the two packages mixed up.

I am really sorry! I will ship you a new one today and send you a tracking number.

I wish you had given me more time to explain this before you made a claim. It was like a 20 minute period between when I got the dispute email and the claim email and now there is noting that I can do in paypal.

Ben Steigerwald
What the hell...

Did you try the appropriate battery? Perhaps the laser works just fine, and he acctidently sent you the wrong battery. Have you even contacted him directly about this?

It is not fair at all to call him a conman if you have not tried any efforts to rectify this in a civilized manor.

He send me 1 AA battery for $55. That's all, zip, zero. Hell the battery is a junk zinc carbon and is totally flay, absolutely worthless. This was hardly an accident.
Hi John,

I think I know what is happening. I fixed a pointer for a friend and it had rechargeable batteries with it when I got it. When i sent it back to him, I forgot to send one of the batteries. Thus I stuck it in a envelope and it got mixed up with your pointer module which he received. He was confused. I will send you another module no problem, that's my mistake. I hope you can understand! All of my small items I ship in the same small mailers and I just got the two packages mixed up.

I am really sorry! I will ship you a new one today and send you a tracking number.

I wish you had given me more time to explain this before you made a claim. It was like a 20 minute period between when I got the dispute email and the claim email and now there is noting that I can do in paypal.

Ben Steigerwald

Ben, I don't believe your story for a minute. Even if it is true you would be ripping off this "other customer" because the battery you sent me is a very old Phillips zinc carbon that is totally flat. It measured 0.07 volts.

What do you mean there is nothing you can do in paypal? You could settle this by issuing me a $55 refund, that what you can do. Paypal will let you do that, I assure you.
He send me 1 AA battery for $55. That's all, zip, zero. Hell the battery is a junk zinc carbon and is totally flay, absolutely worthless. This was hardly an accident.

Could be a mix up, man, work it out with the seller, don't start ranting like this so soon.
Hey SC...
I send some small items out in #000 bubble envelopes...
an I too have sent out the wrong item to a customer by me mixing
up the labels/addresses...

He publicly apologized and publicly said he would make it right...
I think I would give him the benefit of the doubt and give him a week
to put the right part in your hands...

You have already opened a PayPal Dispute... If you don't have the
item you paid for within a week.... you can always escalate the PP
Dispute to a Claim.... IMO

Jumping up and down flailing your arms... "ain't gonna fix it"....;)

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I can totally understand shipping the wrong item. I can't understand shipping a worthless item......he may as well sent dirt.
I can totally understand shipping the wrong item. I can't understand shipping a worthless item......he may as well sent dirt.

You never know the stupid things other people want... just to
try and make your life difficult..
One guy was so pissed because I forgot to include a $0.03 crimp
terminal in his $10.00 order that he opened a PP Claim... instead
of asking me to ship one...
It cost me $7.00 to send it with Tracking to not loose the claim...

Look, I am sending you a replacement, it was an accident. I have no reason to be lying. None at all! I made a mistake and I am fixing it. You filed a dispute, then a claim, then posted calling me a liar before even trying to contact me. I have no problem fixing the problem for you, but I ask that you don't just start saying I am lying.

For what it's worth, the battery is not a zinc battery, it is a rechargeable one.

You never even tried to contact me before you filed the dispute.
9:37 You filed a dispute
9:41 You sent me a PM
9:59 You filed a claim
10:22 You sent me a email

You never even gave me a chance to figure out what was happening.

For what it's worth, the battery is not a zinc battery, it is a rechargeable one. ..........

It says zinc carbon right on the battery. Do you want a picture of it? It is also dead not that it would matter.

Why don't you just do the right thing and refund the payment and we'll close the dispute? After all, you sold the only two 125ma 532 modules you had to sell. You can keep the ones you wanted to keep for yourself or sell them to the other people that are pissed off in your sale thread that wanted them first.
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tbh sportcoupe, we don't care.

You made no attempt to privately contact Ben of the issue. I'm sure he would have gladly resolved the issue for you if you did.
You immediately jump to disputes, claims, and other legal shit.
You start a discussion in a public message board flaming a perfectly legitimate salesman.

...all over one small battery.

Have you ever made a simple mistake? Yes, thousands. This thread is one of them. Customers like you should kindly go somewhere and die.
Ben has my $55 and I have a AA battery. I don't want to do business with him anymore, I don't trust him. I have asked him several times for a refund and we'll end this but he has refused. I have no choice but to file a paypal dispute.
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