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My Bad experiences with Chris Leubner(hesc_photonics)

JUST so everyone knows... he has CHANGED his ebay name un-anounced to "mattrg2009"

Its not hesc_photonics or w/e anymore.

Thought that may be usefull to someone who cant get ahold of him.

NOTE: this is his new EBAY name, not his LPF name.


This is a LIE, mattrg2009 is an alies for matt gibson, the creep that screwed me on ebay. It's all about revenge isn't it Matty boy ;)

This is a LIE, mattrg2009 is an alies for matt gibson, the creep that screwed me on ebay. It's all about revenge isn't it Matty boy ;)

You deserve it you PRICK, and your calling me a liar huh??

Go pop some more E you junkie!!!


No i wont leave you alone. you deserve every last bit of this. you had every intention of KEEPING my money, you cant deny it! HENCE WHY I GOT MY MONEY BACK!!! i opened that dispute thismorning you retard, and you were obviously in the WRONG because you promptly refunded the money once a dispute was opened, and i threatened a claim against you lol.

You are a SNAKE, you prey on the unsuspecting, and inexperianced.

I hope your life falls to peices, and you rot for eternity, From the bottom of my heart i mean that.

Have a good day SCAM ARTIST!!! I SWEAR IT the entire community will know of your intentions. you could TRY and stop me, but you wont get far. People like you make me want to puke.

PUNK! I told you i would win didnt I!!!

Now go and make some more Ecstasy "yes its true" and get another 8 years of probation lol!

Your Friend,

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LMAO!!! He thinks im Matt!!! LOL!!!! you make me laugh so freakin hard man, god please stop :crackup:

Lol, EVERYTHING I POSTED WAS TRUE!!! The Ecstacy, you trying to keep my money, all of it. PROVE ME WRONG IF YOU CAN ASSHOLE!


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Dark I'd settle down just a little bit. You're a seller and should represent yourself as professional, Heurscience obviously doesn't
...mmm, your right... but in this case, i reserve my right to be an arsehole for a minuet or two. i spend all day every day working for customers, and im sure you'll attest, im a VERY nice, easy to work with guy.

This has just gone too far, this information NEEDS to be here to be looked upon in the future, and i havent lied even once Dalorian, My statements bear truth! lol

But again, you are right, i have said my peace.

Good day
See i knew you had it out for me Junkie, Shows what you know.

I'll direct a few personal friends this way if you are ACTUALY stupid enough to believe i am this "matt" if i was i'd say so! lol

Why would i deal with a few weeks of bullshit and send him $125 just to make a couple comments in this thread?

C'mon man, get a life.
Oh yeah, i've also been operating a build/repair service for 2 months under my secret identity of "Tyler" JUST WAITING for this day to come.

Definately, :crackup:
See i knew you had it out for me Junkie, Shows what you know.

I'll direct a few personal friends this way if you are ACTUALY stupid enough to believe i am this "matt" if i was i'd say so! lol

Why would i deal with a few weeks of bullshit and send him $125 just to make a couple comments in this thread?

C'mon man, get a life.

Because you were already banned once. It makes sense you would come back here, make friends with the people you alienated, then attack him again the first chance you get.
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I was already banned once??? i just joined for the first time a few months ago lol

You really are stupid :crackup:

So im attacking him by requesting my money back?? if he took YOUR money you'd do the same man, dont deny.

you need to verify before you speak. your mouth has diareah lol

Go ahead and defend a KNOWN scam artist if you want... good luck getting people to do bussiness with you lol

reguardless, your opinion is literaly worthless.

If anyone wants to go ahead and trust tech_junkie, go right ahead and purchase from Chris. but dont come crying when you get robbed.
I can confirm that Dark Army's details do not match those which Heruur posted.

@TechJunkie, I can't comment any further, but it seems like a pretty long way for him to go, for no real gain. So far, he has gained nothing, but he could have made $100 worth of laser builds in the same time. Either he's an irrational-minded, revenge-crazed, sinister character, or they're two different people.

I'm not going to comment on the similarity in grammar, but I'd suggest that if you feel so strongly about it, you could PM cold and check the IP addresses to be sure.
I can confirm that Dark Army's details do not match those which Heruur posted.

@TechJunkie, I can't comment any further, but it seems like a pretty long way for him to go, for no real gain. So far, he has gained nothing, but he could have made $100 worth of laser builds in the same time. Either he's an irrational-minded, revenge-crazed, sinister character, or they're two different people.

I'm not going to comment on the similarity in grammar, but I'd suggest that if you feel so strongly about it, you could PM cold and check the IP addresses to be sure.

Thats a great idea!!! please do check with him! i havent a THING to hide

Great idea. maybe then techjunkie will have an epiphany lol
I don't have a dog in this race but everything I have ever received from Chris, including 2 ArIon lasers has worked as received and well packaged. My 3 RF CO2 kits have exceeded expectations.
Guess I'm the only lucky SOB in my dealings with him..... Right ............

Rumor has it he's back on the drugs, as of a few months ago or so. now THIS statement im not sure about.

Word around the forum's is he went clean for a while, was doing great, and as of the past few months he has been screwing numerous people. if you google his name... tons of crap comes up about him.

So the closest assumption is he is using again. that would acount for the seemingly random e-mails i recieved from him in the middle of the night saying rediculous things. his excuse to me was "sorry i was high" literaly... i have the message still if anyone wants me to post it.

And yes, you are a lucky SOB lol, how long ago did you buy the ArIon's for?? i'm pretty sure Chris purposly selects the smaller payments to screw around with. mine was only 125.

Dark --
My last order was for a little $15 lens. It arrived in about a week with a couple DUMDUM suckers included, a discount coupon AND in the flavors I like !!! I've never met the guy.
I just fired up my ML Argon after 3 months and it lit up first pulse.

