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MUST Read *BEFORE* You Can Post in the Buy/Sell/Trade Board

Posted in b/s/t section yesterday also send message to mod but have yet to see my thread or get a reply from a mod. What steps does one take next?

Posted in b/s/t section yesterday also send message to mod but have yet to see my thread or get a reply from a mod. What steps does one take next?

As far as I know you just post and literally wait. When someone comes on to approve it it appears. Took about a day and a half for one of mine to show.
Sometimes we miss one.

Feel free to PM me if you don't see yours approved within 16h.

@starlight approved yours
I've been on laser pointer forum since 2012. I don't think I've made 20 posts. I typically prefer to just read the various threads. I have some lasers I would like to sell. All custom Eghemus builds. Would I be able to sell them?
I've been on laser pointer forum since 2012. I don't think I've made 20 posts. I typically prefer to just read the various threads. I have some lasers I would like to sell. All custom Eghemus builds. Would I be able to sell them?

Unfortunately not. I know blanket rules like these are prohibitive to honest people who just don't post much, but it does wonders to keep out the dishonest ones.
sell thread MUST Read *BEFORE* You Can Post in the Buy/Sell/Trade Board

Hello LPF,
I started sell thread yesterday but still not approved, any moderator that can help me please?
Thanks Joel:beer:
Re: sell thread MUST Read *BEFORE* You Can Post in the Buy/Sell/Trade Board

Hello LPF,
I started sell thread yesterday but still not approved, any moderator that can help me please?
Thanks Joel:beer:


I know you are anxious to start selling your items, however you need to understand that LPF's moderators aren't on 24/7 and lead busy lives just like the rest of us. Give it about 2 days then try PM'ing one of them to see what's going on :yh:

Re: sell thread MUST Read *BEFORE* You Can Post in the Buy/Sell/Trade Board

Thanks for advice, I will stay alert :beer:
This board is now "moderated."

That means that thread starters must be "approved" by a member of the admin team

In order to start a thread, the member must now have 20 **laser related** posts and have a "positive" reputation (green squares).

Posts in the "Welcome" board and the "Off-Topic" board do not count

SPAMMING the boards with short, non-content related posts to reach 20 may lead to a ban

Anyone may reply to a thread already approved

NEW posters SHOULD read the sticky at the link below to see what your potential buyers are going to be looking for in your "For Sale" thread
Six Steps to Prevent You from Getting Scammed


**EDIT** --
There were LONG and complex discussions before this rule was put into effect.
Just because a new member was not here for that discussion does NOT give the new member the right to question the rule or ask to have it explained to them individually or to be allowed an exemption
The rule is in place
Live with it
my apologies for posting b4 reading anything at all quite stupid on my part and i definately respect safety and lasers and the people in general here. thanks again. I think in my busy life i try to take shortcuts and it was unintentional. Great website and i feel fortunate learning and discussing more about some cool stuff.
