Might as well offer some good times from my dating experiences, hope you get a chuckle or two.
I went out with a girl I met at a nightclub.
As a first date we drove to Fernie to go skiing, she did 160km/h the whole way there on icy roads while texting constantly.
Later, she was showing pics of her youth (we stayed at her friend's place) but every time I got near her she angled away from me.
Her friends actually warned me away from dating her (for my protection...), apparently she had emotional issues and couldn't handle touch.
Had a blast skiing, almost died about a dozen times, and her friends were great people.
Then I went out on a date with a cute security guard from Calgary, we went to the zoo and saw the lions banging.
I made some (tame) lewd jokes which she obviously didn't find funny. About an hour later we were watching the tigers and there was this trophy wife there too. This lady was decked out, all dressed up to push a stroller around the zoo :wtf:
The girl I was with made a couple of rude remarks (looked like envy to me :tinfoil: ) and right about then the male made some odd kicking movements facing away from her.
I pulled my date back (which made her angry that I touched her) just before the big cat DOUSED the trophy wife. *cats have scent glands near their anus, big cats have big glands*
Well, I try to be polite but there is no way I can hold back laughter at this point. I was rolling around on the ground.
My date (despite saying rude things prior) wasn't pleased.
I guarantee she would have left me there had I not been the one who drove.
Then I met a great lady from the fashion program at the college, she was 26 years older than I and recently divorced. She got a ladyboner over my leather sewing machine...
We dated for 4 years, I was younger than two of her kids (telling her snotty son "yeah, well I fucked your mom" made her laugh and him kinda dislike me). Her favorite thing was ripping around on the sportbike.
Lastly I went out on a couple of dates with a teacher from Olds (I'm a sucker for punishment).
We were walking from her house and one of the first things she said was; "ugh, of course... You have a truck." Well, yeah? I work for a living woman! Too icy for the bike or the car that time of year...
Basically things went downhill from there. We went out for drinks and she had too many (then got rude). Wouldn't directly answer a question either, she treated me like a knuckle dragger.
Now, I'm not the sharpest tool in the drawer but I'm an inventor, master carpenter, a cabinet maker, machinist, millwright, a welder, mechanic, etc. I can change your head gasket or have an informed political debate but because I'm not a teacher I know nothing... Okaaaay.
The second date she didn't want to do anything.
Wanted to take her out snowmobiling; Nope too scary.
Wanted to grab a bite to eat; All the restaurants in town suck.
Asked her about herself; I'm too stupid to understand her life.
...We ended up going back to her place to play scrabble. That was not a cute euphemism...
So, now I'm dating a woman 11 years older (noticing a trend yet?).
We get along like peas and carrots. She's a massage therapist, one of the kindest people I have ever met, and had a bit of a squashed self confidence from her ex husband that I have very much eliminated over the last 3 years.
I think every guy should date a much older woman at least once in their life, they have the experience to treat you with respect and appreciate it from you. They are WAY more sesually adventurous than any younger girls I have met. They have had their kids or chosen not to so there is no worry about that stuff. Their little feelings aren't so delicate so if you say something without thinking? Instead of getting pissed and creating drama they'll ask "what did you mean by that?" and you can save your stupid a$$ with a "well, THAT came out wrong" or "oh, I meant this" and all is well again.
They also seems like they are more complete. I like a self confident woman, even if I have to push her to impress herself.
Among a few dozen other things, my current girlfriend built a career in the last 2 years. Sometimes I had to boot her butt but she did it herself and now she gets to own that. The change has been beautiful.
Well, I guess now I'm rambling. Hope you enjoyed some of my experiences.
P.S. - This one also enjoys the new sportbike. I can't get her to stop touching the ground on deep corners