laserterd said:
[quote author=Razako link=1216261670/0#18 date=1216326366]
My main point was that you can't stick an entire forum into the scammers group because of a few asshats.
exactly. And i can admit that we have an asshat or two on SF, but they have been taken care of and have been banned. At least we ddidnt have people who generalize entire groups of people based on one persons actions. Otherwise everyone would think that everyone on this forum are scammers. I mean just look at this extremely long, 5 page thread about all the known scammers on this forum.
Although that list has a lot of proof backing up those claims, unlike the claims senkat has against me. Who did i scam? All your points are wrong unless you can name a person who has been scammed by a member of SF other than laser ben, who doesnt count because hes basically not a member again.
I feel like i have been scammed, because i have tried to sell things on this forum, and senkat comes in saying that i have scammed dozens of people out of thousands of dollars, but he never actually names a username, or any proof whatsoever. So i am unable to sell. All we have is the word of one person who cannot seem to control his mouth whenever my name appears, loves to generalize large groups of people based on absolutely nothing, prevents people from selling and buying, creates secret accounts ("riddle") and comes on swearing at new members with that account. and yet everyone still loves him. Is it because hes been here for so long, or has so many posts? Or is that how people expect a father should act.
Senkat do not reply to this unless you intend to apologize (unlikely), or to give 1 scrap of proof toward the many claims you have made against me and my friends (a name of the person that everyone on SF scammed would be nice). If any of this is against the forum rules, go ahead and ban me. I will go quietly and never bother you again if this is the case.[/quote]
I think merging SpectraForum into LPF could help the Forum grow even more, and Laserterd I agree his mouth and Slanderism has to go; there is no place for such behavior on this forum or otherwise.
Congrats to C0ldshadow and everyone else that made this possible, Well done!