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Mac vs PC

Do you like Apple products, or Microsoft products?

  • Apple Products

    Votes: 19 27.5%
  • Microsoft Products

    Votes: 41 59.4%
  • I Don't Care

    Votes: 9 13.0%

  • Total voters
I dont know how old you are, and I know years ago Mac really had no right click, but these days you can enable it and it works just as you know it on your Windows PC :shhh:

Yes yes, but the fact is that their mouses/trackpad buttons are morphed into one button, and when I click on the right side, but to close to the left side, it'll give me a left click instead of a right click and vise versa. I hate apple mice with a passion. Those scroll wheels are awful too.

Slight OT... currently writing this in safe mode... I HATE SKYPE!!!!

The damn thing was causing some kind of a driver conflict before, so I updated the drivers for everything... problem went away.

Today, I get a message... new version of skype is available... would you like to install.

I did. Except the installer got stuck. Wouldn't continue.

The current version no longer works. The new version won't install, and better yet, there is nothing for me to uninstall.

Even manually deleting all the skype CRAPWARE I still can't get it out. Tried even deleting the registry files for it manually. Nada.

I don't think I've ever run into a problem quite as annoying. Somehow now windows altogether freezes up on me.

I'm tempted to just say f*ck it and re-install windows from scratch. It's been a while since I did a complete refresh.
I am having problems even typing, f*^king windows.
I have had nothing but problems with my Dell, it has had just about everything replaced while it was under warranty. Now the mother board is bad an I need to reload windows.

Dell + Microsoft = Hoover (they all suck!)

EDIT: I am buying a Mac I have never tried one and have always given people crap for having one, I guess it's time to give one a try, it can't be any worse than this piece of shit I am using now. It's only money, now where to get some.
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00 & IE - If I weren't in the middle of a double move right now I'd ask both of you to install remote client so I could access your machines from where I am & fix these problems you're both having. Christ this sucks, I hate being in limbo (all my belongings in storage for 2 weeks now) living out of my parents' basement because I'm in the middle of a double move :yabbmad:

The past 2 windows machines I've used/been using I built from scratch, I never buy a computer from a computer store. ~$400 to buy a 2G+ 4Gram 1/2TB HD barebones system online + another hundred or so for software. Using Norton since these PCs came to life and staying on WinXP - my PCs average about 8 years of consistent, problem free computing. The first one dying on me was due to HD failure from heavy use over a lonnng time. The one I'm using now purrs like a happy kitten on 5 lbs of catnip. It frustrates me to hear these problems you guys are having & I can't do shit about anything until sometime after next weekend when I move into our new place. I slightly cringe reading about your issues guys
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I liked xp but still had to reload it a couple of times. I was told that what ever version of windows I get it has to be for Dell.

I used to build my own PC's when I lived in Portland, OR we had a Fry's and I would go in and buy what I wanted and it died after 7 years and had a HP laptop for my travel and I bought the Dell XPS off of QVC since it had a lot of software. I also use Norton and have not had a virus for about 6 years and even then it was easy to get rid of. With the motherboard needing to be changed out on my Dell I figured that it is time to just get a new laptop. It won't run off of my ac or charge my batteries, I had to buy an external charger for my batteries and they only last 3 hrs depending on what I am doing.

I do have an Android phone (Droid Razr) and don't want an I phone. My daughter has one and I can do things she can't.
I hear you 00, my apologies for my attitude & jumping out of nowhere with my previous comment up there - it's just been a rotton day for me & apparently I needed to vent a little. In your case, a MB failure wouldn't be fixable over the wire via remotely connecting - I'd need to be in front of your machine to do some surgery and/or get the specs on the rest of your system for a compatible replacement assuming it's a hardware failure & not a firmware issue or a matter of flashing the bios.

I have a razr as well, the thing is friggin awesome & I'd make sweet love to it all night long if I knew doing so wouldn't kill that cute little robot :beer:
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Look at all the nerds in this thread.


Old PC user that switched. No way in hell I'd go back. :)
you mean 'geeks' :na:

.....nerds have no sense of fashion :beer:

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@danefex - Thank you for the offer, and yeah moving does SUCK.

At present I'm unable to boot into windows at all... so I'm backing everything up to a work server, and think I'll end up just reinstalling windows. I don't see another way to correct the problem... I suspect a problem with the registry.
I hear you 00, my apologies for my attitude & jumping out of nowhere with my previous comment up there - it's just been a rotton day for me & apparently I needed to vent a little. In your case, a MB failure wouldn't be fixable over the wire via remotely connecting - I'd need to be in front of your machine to do some surgery and/or get the specs on the rest of your system for a compatible replacement assuming it's a hardware failure & not a firmware issue or a matter of flashing the bios.

I have a razr as well, the thing is friggin awesome & I'd make sweet love to it all night long if I knew doing so wouldn't kill that cute little robot :beer:
Don't worry about attitude, no apologies needed.:beer:
I appreciate your willingness to help. And yes I love my Razr, it kicks ass on the i phone.

I have already had my laptop at a service center and was told that the mother board is the problem, it will run on battery only and it won't charge the battery. I was quoted $500 (ouch!)

Just don't have any good places to buy a PC here, we have a Worst Buy (Best Buy) but we do have an Apple store and I can get 12 months interest free financing on a Mac. That is part of the reason I am leaning that way, if I could get that deal on a Toshiba or some of the others I like I would be on it likes flies on a fresh turd.
Two words: Disk image

After my next clean install... will do exactly that. Problem is the disk is ~200GB, so a major PITA to do at this point. I backed up everything anyway, so tomorrow I think I'll be installing windows from a flashdrive again:(
I was running OSX Lion on my ASUS g72gx for a week just to see what OSX was like.
Its okay, It runs better on my Gaming laptop than it does on my coworkers Macbook, but I went right back to Windows ASAP.

yes there is no bezel on my laptop. I tend to take things apart often! :-/
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After doing a lot of reading and research I bought a new HP HP Pavilion dv6-6b51nr Notebook PC, dark umber aluminum. Now the hard part is the wait and since it was a custom build it won't ship until the 24th. I hope this Dell makes that long!
Really, it boils down to quality control...

Difference between a Mac and a PC is that a Mac is a Mac, and only a Mac. Only Apple makes them. No one else can and thus Mac's are typically decent quality; albeit, they are expensive, BECAUSE no one else offers them.

PC's are all over the place in price because there are so many companies that make them. Dell, HP, Lenovo, Acer, they're all technically PC's but they've all got different qualities to them and thus different prices.

You can pay a lot of money for a good computer and the quality will be fantastic.
Or, you can be cheap and get a crappy computer.
Or you can build your own.

Of course there are exceptions. I have an acer laptop that's still working fine after 5 years of service. :) I've upgraded the CPU to a Core 2 duo too!
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After my next clean install... will do exactly that. Problem is the disk is ~200GB, so a major PITA to do at this point. I backed up everything anyway, so tomorrow I think I'll be installing windows from a flashdrive again:(

The way I always do it on my personal machines is to install the OS and all software like office software, media creation/manipulation software, day to day life management stuff etc. on one partition or drive, and all games, movies, songs, and anything else that hogs hdd space on another drive/partition. Then I make an image of the OS partition as it sits fully configured and store it on an external hdd and just back up the data storage partition, also to an external drive. If your internal drive(s) are big enough to hold the OS partition image you should keep a copy of it there so you have 2 copies of it also. Most image creation software will only include the portion of the drive that contains data and ignore free space.

This way all I need is about 15 minutes tp back up personal data and reimage and I'm back up. I might have to install a few more programs and do a tiny bit of configuration but it gets me 95% of the way there.
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