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FrozenGate by Avery

Looking for LPM Help


Aug 25, 2010
My new Laser, the 445nm running at 2.1A on a 9mm diode, has been a lot of fun! I am enjoying it immensely. But I keep thinking that it would be great to get it metered. I live in the Austin, TX area. If there is anyone close with a reliable LPM who would be able to meter my Laser(and maybe my red one...I should have it fixed soon), I would be ecstatic!

I would really like to find someone with an LPM that has Data Logging, so I could get a print out of the graph to keep with my laser. If someone has one and could do that for me, I would be willing to pay some (hopefully :angel: ) small fee for your time and shipping both ways.

If anyone is up for it just PM me or leave a post, and if you have a fee iin mind feel free to let me know then as well.


There's got to be someone relatively close to you who would be willing to step up and help you out. Waiting for my Argmeter to be built so I can use it with the Ophir and print out graphs for at least the ones in my sig. Would be great to be able to help others out too:yh:
Tried to do a plot once with a 532nm by myself and it was basically impossible (no surprise there). Won't do that again. Way too difficult without datalogging.
Too bad you don't live close by...
We could have done that for you for free with a visit
to the Shop..:beer:


You can contact us at any time on our Website: J.BAUER Electronics
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i'm close (er) isaac, but my laserbee only goes to 2W. it's being repaired/recalibrated just now but i shold have it in 2 weeks or so.
i'm close (er) isaac, but my laserbee only goes to 2W. it's being repaired/recalibrated just now but i shold have it in 2 weeks or so.

I just PMed you and your LaserBee A was shipped back today..:beer:

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i dont have data logging yet but it i will soon as i'm second on the list for an ARGLPM for my Ophir. but i'm kinda far away and think that theres should someone closer.
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As I am planning to ship it anyways, anyone in America (48) is considered close lol. There are only a couple ATX people, and I don't believe they are very active.
Isaac my lpm will be shipping out today, not quite sure how long it will take to get here from Canada but shouldn't be long as I'm right on the boarder.
Hey, that's great awillis! Can't wait to see it at work.
Spent some time yesterday looking around for clear project boxes but haven't had the greatest luck. They either seem to be too small or too big (at least if we were going to try to fit it in a PL box). Still on the hunt....
Having some 24awg silicone wire delivered today from Amazon. Only have 18awg silicone I use to make DVM leads/jumpers.
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If we cant hook you up locally --send it-- mine goes to 5W and makes good graphs,

I put up a thread too-

know there are PeeLee members around you.. I will see what I can do..

here is a thought-- don't they have a university around there?? ha ha

seems that I heard that someplace--

from a guy in College Station or Houston.. maybe??

there is a meter in the lab dood!

some science prof would be happy just to see your laser I bet-
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