heh! "funny" thing, at the german east-sea coast, amber can be found. unfortunately, wwII ammunition was dumped after the war, which in the decades decomposed. so there are now places where a white phosphor mixture from self-igniting ammunition is washed at the coast. and, hooray, you cant easily distinguish it from amber! (almost) same density, same look, same hardness. the only difference is that it will ignite after a few minutes in your pocket. forming high-temperature, sticky burning goo, which sticks to your hand and everything. cant be turned off easily. when you jump into the water its off, go out again (with nasty burns), it will ignite again. really horrible stuff!
why i tell this totally off-topic scary shit? because amber happens to brightly fluorescence! ;-)
i tried to find amber at night with a blu-ray laser (defocused) and blu-blocking glasses, but nada. sure, it was summer (water too warm and not dense enough), it was the northern sea, and there are tourists everywhere..
will try again in winter!

i just love that idea! combining lasers with "searching treasures" and minerals! *happy*