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FrozenGate by Avery

Leaving the Laser Hobby

Jun 5, 2014
Hey everyone. I just wanted to let you all know that I'm done with lasers. I tried getting into the hobby but it's not my thing. I know I've only been on LPF for about a month but I just thought I should give a formal goodbye anyway. I am going to be moving on to other activities and trying some new things. Believe me partaking in the hobby and spending time on this forum is great but for numerous reasons I will be moving on. I think in the long term it will be best for me if I do so. I greatly appreciate all the supportive people on LPF and all the helpful advice I have received. I have made sure to think it through and I am definitely sure this hobby is not the right one for me. I also want to give special thanks to The Greenlander and Rifter. Both of you are amazing people that should be getting even more appreciation than you do now. You are what make this forum awesome! I am extremely grateful to have gone through this short but great journey of the Laser hobby. Again thank you to everyone on this forum especially the ones that have helped answer a lot of the beginner questions I've had. Well that will be it. I will never be coming onto this site again or buying another laser. At least for the foreseeable future. Maybe once light sabers are created all get one of those. I will never be getting into the hobby again but all never forget about LPF.

- Ryan

Thank you for the kind remarks FallOut, I really appreciate it. It's always a shame to hear about someone leaving this hobby but lasers aren't for everybody and if you feel another hobby is where you would find more pleasure then go for it, whatever makes you happy.

Best of luck in the future! :)

-Your buddy Alex
It's true lasers arnt for everyone, it was good to have you around in the short time you were here. Good luck with whatever hobby you choose next.
All the best to you Ryan. It will be hard for you leaving the "Light" and going bak into the "Dark" Lol:scared:
You can't leave without an exit interview... Did you read the sign up contract? You must also send me all your lasers for deactivation per said contract.

Seriously just chill if you would share your reasons maybe some could walk you through it.
FallOut, you posted this message 5 hours ago and you are still online... I understand what you meant by saying you will never log in here again: you'll be online forever, little joker;)
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Methinks he wants to be convinced to stay. As they say, the lady doth protest too much.
Still online... FallOut, use the offline mode if you want to make a prank:D
@burnstuff: I agee with you;)
Still online... FallOut, use the offline mode if you want to make a prank:D
@burnstuff: I agee with you;)

Burning, you know for it to say "offline" he needs to sign out of his account. He could have just forgot to sign out and it would keep his status "online".

Edit: To make sure he isn't sneaking back just go to his profile and check his "latest activity" :D

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Oh...yep this was his last message... anyway, it would be a better joke if revolution2007 or Isaac would say something like that... I mean being in lasers for years and than...BAM!>"lasers are boring":)
Don't let the door hit you in the butt on the way out! :crackup: Just joking. If your really leaving I am sure you will be missed by at least one or more people, remember you can always come back. Be aware that technology is advancing very fast, faster everyday. I predict that in 5 years or less that Star Trek type Phasers or Star Wars type blasters will become possible, maybe then you will have a renewed interest. Best of luck to you whatever you do. Live long and prosper.

Why leave so drastic ? i dont get it?

Maybe he had a close call with a laser and it scared him out of the hobby.

This almost happened to me once.

My friend had a brand new A140(I think, predecessor to M140) diode blue laser around 1 watt of power and we were off roading in the middle of nowhere and he was playing with it shining it into the sky(there was no planes) onto far away trees and rocks we burned through a few sets of batteries using it. Then right as we were about to get in my truck and leave we were looking at each other from 18" apart and talking and he had the laser still on pointing at a treeline 30 yards away and the laser hit a reflective sign loggers use to mark tree's and reflected the beam directly though the 18" of space right between out faces, I swear I could feel heat coming off the beam, few inches either way and one of us could have been blind for life. the sign it reflected off of was only less than1" round, chances of that happening were so small, but it happened.

That was almost a game changer for me and made me almost quite lasers.
