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Laser pointers in urban warfare

Or they could fly via infrared. I think we can assume no evil genius was down there with a bigass CO2 setup just blasting the heli. So if we just block all visible light and then add an IR camera or something, that could work right? Just a though.

PS-I also realize a lot of those green lasers are probably not IR filtered but it is a start.
If i am not correct, please say so. But to block all wavelengths it would require 2 pairs of glasses and would give you a little above 10% visible light transmission.
This can be very dangerous.... and i am not even talking about the change of hitting the pilots eyes blinding him and causing him to crash...

But a apachy has a build in defence... if it is turned on it will automatically fire when you point a laser on the apachy...
And yes it will fire at the person pointing the laser..
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There would be almost no visible light. But I will go test with my safety glasses. Time to see how good they REALLY are!
Update: I put on my Survival Lasers Eagle Pair Safety Glasses for Red, and then the pair of Eagle Pair safety glasses for green/blue over the others and there was literally no visible light. Makes me feel good bout my safety glasses :beer:

my bad, I see the most expensive eagle pair covers 190-540nm and 800-2000nm, so the pilot would be protected from all but the yellow and red wavelengths
I saw it in the News. it was amazing how much Lasers were there. Of course its stupid to shine at aircrafts, but you understand me :D
The display for the IR camera, would be in visible light. So you would need to see visible light to see it. It's not like using IR/night vision when flying dark.
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If this serves to prove anything is that lasers are NOWHERE near as dangerous as everyone (including posters here) say. Else that heli would have crashed.

And no, I'm not defending the ones that did that. At the very least it's stupid to try to crash something that big on your own head.

FYI this is also happening on current Brazilian riots but at a much smaller scale... A TV heli got a video of a 532nm hitting the camera while the cameraman yelled for the rioters to stop and called the cops.
I guess nobody is saying that single hit from 200mW laser would crash any airplane. It's just that it's A RISK, which you want minimize, especially with commercial aircraft full of hundreds of people.
I dare you to try it with 1mW green (or red, whatever) at night, while you ride a bike.
Your post almost sounds like 'come on, it's nothing'. Let's be clear about this. Shining lasers at people under any circumstances is dangerous. Shining at people while they do dangerous work, is even more dangerous. This especially applies to pilots and drivers.
As I said, I'm not defending them. I've never shined any of my lasers at anyone (except one metered 0.3mW on my own eyes to see how bad it was) and don't intend to. If it sounded like that then please forgive me.

BTW the metered 0.3mW wasn't pleasant but definitely not worse than, say, looking at the sun. I'd test with a <1mW green if I had one :P

But the way people talk (here and on the media) make lasers look like portable bazookas and this myth does contribute to all the banning laws around the world.

I've flown in commercial planes that were being hit by greenies before (scared the crap out of me) and this is certainly very common around here. If they were that dangerous there would have been at least a single case of aircraft crash due to laser misuse.
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