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FrozenGate by Avery

Krypton 1 Watt

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It is too cold and windy tonight to complete divergence tests. The weather here can get nasty suddenly at this time of year.

Yeah, we are further south here in Kansas and it's been doing the same. Goes from hotter than heck to cold inside of a week!
Looking forward to the test. I've got some AW 18650 2900mAhr cells you want me to ship you one for the testing? Not a problem:)!

Thanks Tonga but the cell Steve included is better than any I have and is sufficient for testing.
I can't believe how the weather is changing. Suddenly cold and damp.
You're welcome and any time. Yeah we've been talking about our weather, have some really nice days but this year the seasons seem to change very abruptly like from summer to late fall type in a week!
Look at the stray light on this one.
Yuck. (main beam passes through the hole)
edit: to make it clear: this is not my video

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It can dance only if the crystals do not have a fixed position. If the output of the IR diode is constant in terms of electromagnetic radiation, it should not dance. If the crystals are in the ground state while being lased at, I dont think it should. Remember that TEM00 is not a perfect circle, rather it is a spot of concentrated light, and fades exponentially with distance from the center of the emitted area. If any of the crystals, pump diode, or the radiation changes, it can and probably will dance.

Sorry if Im wrong. Im tired of work.

I more belive it´s the temperature causing the cristals to stretch forth and back within a few nanometers. TEC cooled do not show this dancing because the temperature is kept constant.
I've added a 350 Second power graph to my report. I've always said that a portable is not a labbie!!!!! enjoy !!
^^^Let's not forget it's advertised as:

Duty Cycle: Continuous


Edit, makes me feel really good about the $140 firedragon I got recently... peaks 460-490mW, and even though it's very unstable, it's actually more stable than this 1k laser.

Double Edit: @Mike - Thanks for taking a risk and running it for that long.
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I believe that Steve stated that it has no duty cycle. Internal controls may shut down power to protect the innards as it gets hot in there. That means that you can leave it on until the cell craps out without damage to the laser -- no more I'd guess.
Myself, I seldom run a portable for more than 30 seconds.

So, you taken this thing apart? I'm wondering if it is one of those 27mm modules.

Also, the "waveguides" in the yag are formed by heat and depend on where you pump it, right? Without temperature stabilization, doesn't it make sense that it would waver a little bit?

532nm is still the best common wavelength. it's just so technical, classical.
BS ----
NO, I have not taken this laser apart and won't. If you want to purchase one and destroy it - that's up to you. I'm only reporting basic info on mine.

Infin---- No risk. The laser protects itself from the owner like a computer!!!!


I'm thinking that a +FL lens in front of one of Steve's diverging lenses might make a nice beam expander!!!! This might be nice.
I tried it and wow --- Popped a balloon at 30' hand held.!!! I'm going to machine a beam expander housing for mine. I'm not a "pop head" but optics is a fun part of this hobby.
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Hey --- I built a prototype expander for this S3 laser!!! It needs refinement but it works. I added to my first post a pictire of the small device. It is 1.5" long to give reference.


Here it is again ------

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Why'd you just up and buy a $1,000 laser? You must have some serious Faith in wicked lasers. If I had a million bucks, I would be skeptical sending THEM(wicked) $1,000.

I just wanna know why you decided to buy one of these for yourself. If there really was absolutely no incentive from WL, you must really love and trust them. And be willing to spend $1,000 on a very prospective piece of junk

Edit: my point is, after seeing the arctic fiasco, and them NEVER absolutely NEVER providing an up to par(spec) laser , who in their right mind would willingly purchase anything from someone they know for a fact blatantly lied to them.

It's like Lamborghini selling you a toyota saying tough shit. Your 1,000hp car Id actually a 100 Hp piece of junk
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Just look at it for what it is. They seem to average about 700mW. Assuming you absolutely need it in handheld form, where else can you get a fairly consistent 700mW for 1grand?
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