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FrozenGate by Avery

Kenometer Pro and USB screenshots and build updates

...the only small thing I would add ... is cable sleeving...
Agreed :beer:
Considering the effort you're putting behind every other aspect, silk screening, etc. a black sleeved connector would be really slick :)

lol, no problem! The reason behind my curiosity is that it looks a lot like a coherent, so I was thinking maybe one of Coherent's designers is involved here... .

If it quacks like a duck... ;)
The Heads are not manufactured by Kenom... they are acquired pre assembled as you see them in the pics... IMO

MCU's are sweet. microchip or Atmel? looking to build a project with the newer sun MCU's that support java.
The Heads are not manufactured by Kenom... they are acquired pre assembled as you see them in the pics... IMO
Such a shame... kenopile has a certain ring to it I think :).

Time for more build pics yet? We need another fix ;).
haha I'm keepin ya in suspense on purpose!
So what's worse then, water boarding or the suspense from LPF members like Ken & his LPMs and Igor & his lasers (and their "it's done when it's done" production schedules...) :whistle:

(j/k and yes, maybe you're right, I should avoid topics like water boarding when making light-hearted commentary in the future... :o)
Oh I forgot, I do finally have a picture of the USB version.


How about a picture of the soon to be developed Kryton Beast.
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Why would you need Java on a LPM? :P

to do decent graphics on the lcd. usually need a mcu. and the sun mcu that uses java programming is just sweet. well if you do not understand assembly. course there are compilers in c for pic and atmel mcu's now.
How about a picture of the soon to be developed Kryton Beast.

Love that design. nice host concept.
to do decent graphics on the lcd. usually need a mcu. and the sun mcu that uses java programming is just sweet. well if you do not understand assembly. course there are compilers in c for pic and atmel mcu's now.

First..... Why the Double Post...:thinking:

What do you think they are using to drive the graphics now....
an Abacus....:wtf:
You can use the highest end MCU you can find and if your Graphics
Display only has 10 pixels... you can't get better graphics... That is
just plain common sense...
Do you really believe the coders working on the Kenometer Pro have
less experience in programming MCUs than you...
That's quite arrogant... IMO

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The limitation on the GLCD isn't from our MCU, heck, this MCU could drive as big a LCD as you'd want, it's the fact that the LCD is only 128x64 pixels. Not much more you can do with a resolution that low.
First..... Why the Double Post...:thinking:

What do you think they are using to drive the graphics now....
an Abacus....:wtf:
You can use the highest end MCU you can find and if your Graphics
Display only has 10 pixels... you can't get better graphics... That is
just plain common sense...
Do you really believe the coders working on the Kenometer Pro have
less experience in programming MCUs than you...
That's quite arrogant... IMO


I do appologize. in no way was it meant like that. going back to the original question was what mcu was being used. and i agree. there is only so much you can do with small display area's. would never intentionally insult someone's programming or ability.
I love assembly.

i love assmebly too. second language i learned to program in. after basic. lol

The limitation on the GLCD isn't from our MCU, heck, this MCU could drive as big a LCD as you'd want, it's the fact that the LCD is only 128x64 pixels. Not much more you can do with a resolution that low.

true. i like the idea of the size tho. alot better than the 16x2 that i am using for my first. only building one for the challenge. and the knowledge. not to mention i have gotten to where i build a large portion of my tools i use. then in most cases compare them against a professional model. i tip my hat to you all.
