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Jetlasers PL-E Mini 520nm 1W + Beam Expander Review *PIC HEAVY*


Aug 15, 2012
Hi all,

You have probably already seen a review or two on these but I thought a few ore beam pics wouldn't hurt.

To start off I would like to thank Gray for the phenomenal customer service and communication. Jetlasers truly changed my view on Chinese laser websites as they have proven themselves to be customer oriented and they exceeded my expectations in every term with this experience. If you are looking to buy a premade laser, then I can't recommend Jetlasers enough.

I placed the order on the 6th of February and it was delivered the 14th. 8 days from China to here. Can't ask more than that.

The laser came packaged with extreme care.






They threw in a free charger for me <3


Batteries are in, safety is on. Get a decent pair if you haven't yet!

Beam visible mid day with lights on :drool:

The laser with the expander on. In no way I would call this monster mini

OK now it's time for some beams:


Expander on, lowest settings:


Inside with expander on/off


Needless to say, this is the brightest laser I have ever seen, and it's also the most beautiful.
Oh and if you are wondering, yes it burns tape and light matches!

I hope you all enjoyed this review. Tune in soon for a 7watter built by an artist of LPF :)
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Can never have to many reviews on the JL’s. That’s a whole bunch of 520 there. Love your beam shots. They are great for customer service. Enjoy your new laser and looking forward to checking out your 7 watt’er when you receive it.

I am impressed with Jetlasers, they have continued to improve their product, I like the battery indicator showing which way they go into the tube, as well as the nice tick marks on the beam expander.
That's a very nice J/L 520nm Mini you've got there hoo7h, it's great that you got the B.E. with it, you'll like it! :beer:

The mini series from J/L, like all their lasers, are a high quality product, and they aren't really "mini" in size unless you're comparing them to the PL-E Pro monsters. :D
It's also good to know that you've got the best service available to you, if you should ever need it.
:gj: and :kewlpics:
With that beam expander on it, it looks to be about the same size as the regular PL-E Pro anyway.
I'm glad you are so happy with this laser. The beam expander is a nice accessory too. I don't know what duty cycle they claim for these, but I would stick to it. Great beam shots. Can never have too many of those. :yh:
Jetlasers is a great company--professional level excellent quality products. Best customer service in the business both before and after a purchase.
Gray and Jetlasers are always there if you ever have any problems or concerns.
They actually love their work, are proud of the high quality products they make, and care about having happy satisfied customers who receive something of value that they enjoy for the hard earned money spent.
Very rare with a Chinese company to get customer service equal to or exceeding the best of western company customer service.

Great laser and BE combo. Good photos. Enjoy it.
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I hope we don't lose them either, Richie, far too many laser companies have disappeared over the last few years!
Nice review and pics! +rep :)

For those of you interested in the 10x beam expander, I ordered two; the old type and the new type and agreed with Gray to do a review of them. I havent managed to finish it up yet, as Ive been traveling for work the last couple of weeks and Im off again to the UK next week... I will however try to finish it up next weekend. Anyway the point of all this was to annonce that Gray gave me a discount code for LPF which I will post in the review! ;) :beer:
I would have repped you for this review, hoo7h, but I did so just a day or two ago, so I can't right now. :(
Was just about to pull the trigger on this exact setup. Your review gave me the extra push! Can't wait for it to show up!
I don't own anything from JL myself, but Gray has excellent customer service and his products are always high quality. Glad you decided to go for one, and enjoy it when it arrives. :beer:
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