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FrozenGate by Avery

Jetlasers PL-E Mini 520nm 1W + Beam Expander Review *PIC HEAVY*

Was just about to pull the trigger on this exact setup. Your review gave me the extra push! Can't wait for it to show up!

Polar, you'll be getting a great laser with that J/L mini, with their high quality and the best customer service, you can't go wrong! :yh:

Be sure and show us your PL-E and some beam shots, when you get it, you can't have too many beam pics.

I hope we don't lose them either, Richie, far too many laser companies have disappeared over the last few years!

holy cow i didnt realize i never answered back :(
yeah i really couldnt emagine if we lost JL :( i really hope that doesnt happen, maybe as soon as i win the lottery ill buy every active member on here a JL MARK MY WORDS! :p
Richie, it's funny that you mention being old when you'll finally win the lottery.
I've noticed that more often than not, the winners of those lotto jackpots are generally seniors; I guess you've got to play to win though, and they tend to be the players. :yh:

I guess it's not all bad, as I get older, maybe my odds of winning will be improving. :crackup:
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Was just about to pull the trigger on this exact setup. Your review gave me the extra push! Can't wait for it to show up!

When you do and you're just itching to show off your new laser don't do what every greenhorn seems to do or does. Don't point it into the sky or on your bedroom wall. We've all seen hundreds of photos like that and they all look the same. Now with the beam expander find distant targets to clearly demonstrate what a beam expander does vs. the laser without it in place. Member Arctic Dude might inspire you.
Richie, it's funny that you mention being old when you'll finally win the lottery.
I've noticed that more often than not, the winners of those lotto jackpots are generally seniors; I guess you've got to play to win though, and they tend to be the players. :yh:

I guess it's not all bad, as I get older, maybe my odds of winning will be improving. :crackup:
So sorry just a quick high jack:can: I was looking at my MA daily numbers and it show's pic's of big money winners.. They have these stupid crazy $100 scratch tickets, or what NYers call "Scratchy's", any ways a woman hit $1,000,000 on one and she actually hit for $10,000,000! just 3 years ago on another "Scratch'y":eek:
Who would still play the lottery after winning $10 Mill?? Oh by the way she said she's bringing the family on a nice vaca:whistle:

So sorry, let the thread continue please!
I have bought maybe 10 scratch tickets in my life. I did once help a woman use a ticket dispensing machine in Denver and she won $25,000. That is as close to winning anything that I ever got.
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I have heard it said that the lottery is punishment for people who are bad at math.

If you buy scratch tickets day after day, week after week and year after year you will get back on average about 20% of what you spent, unless you win one of the very large prizes, which is very unlikely.

My wife loved to play, she won many small amounts and won the 500.00 prize about a dozen times, but what she spent was 5 times as much as all the winners combined.
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I would call it a tax on people who are bad at math. Many states have taken up scratch tickets and lotteries to help with dwindling tax revenues. Your chance of winning a lottery is truly astronomical. Depending on the prize amount some are in the many billions to one against winning.
When you do and you're just itching to show off your new laser don't do what every greenhorn seems to do or does. Don't point it into the sky or on your bedroom wall. We've all seen hundreds of photos like that and they all look the same. Now with the beam expander find distant targets to clearly demonstrate what a beam expander does vs. the laser without it in place. Member Arctic Dude might inspire you.

:p Please do point at the sky or the bedroom wall, I enjoy seeing them.
Richie, it's funny that you mention being old when you'll finally win the lottery.
I've noticed that more often than not, the winners of those lotto jackpots are generally seniors; I guess you've got to play to win though, and they tend to be the players. :yh:

I guess it's not all bad, as I get older, maybe my odds of winning will be improving. :crackup:
lmao, yeah ive noticed that. I saw a while back a picture of many winners over a 2 year period and its like they were all >70 years old, maybe youre on to something Jeff, the older you get the better your odds are, LOL!

I would call it a tax on people who are bad at math. Many states have taken up scratch tickets and lotteries to help with dwindling tax revenues. Your chance of winning a lottery is truly astronomical. Depending on the prize amount some are in the many billions to one against winning.

no kidding, Oklahoma has now been running all kinds of commercials stating that our lottery has 15% more winners than it did some years ago but i trully do not believe that one bit, i think Oklahoma is getting desprite for revenue so theyre doing anything, i swear O.K. sucks at managing money.
