Yep, the switch is a real PITA at first, in fact, Gray tells me that his techs are working on a simpllified version that may be used in the next run. ( but I dont trhink they can afforf to re-do any existing with the one/one/three version. Trust me it Does get easier. Last night I was able to enter it successfully eight times in a row. And I do like the fact that not just anybody can pick mine up and turn it on TOO easlily.
And if you plan to use it again within a short time you can just leave it unlocked.
I have a PL -C & D based Lumia box and I only run each laser or about 2 or 3 minutes at a time. Swapping out lasers while they are in the rest cycle.
BTW the PL-D will not get turned on by accident which has happened to me seveal times with some of my Pl-Cs...... once it was my fav 532/250 and it was in my computer bag when the switch got 'bumped' on. I DID have the tailcap defeat pin removed , but it turned out that this particular cap either was altered for no pin needed at JETL or it was faulty. One guy saw the green glow coming thru the side of my bag and told me that I had a laser on in my bag--which, if he had not noticed could have been real bad for my fav 532 laser. That, AFAIK, cannot happen w/ a PL-D. I will be testing the tailcaps on all that come thru me from now on.
I dont rmemeber who but one LPFer at SELEM got the switch very fast and was able to do it many times w/o any problems. (icecruncher maybe?) Daguin had a bit of trouble and sorta gave up but then tried again later and was much better at it. Those with less reason for keeping thier lasers from being used by 'unauthorerized' people will not like it, as they, for the most part don't need it.
I don't really need mine to be that safe but, still, it is a non-issue for me now that I have it down.