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It finallly came...


Dec 28, 2013
I've been waiting since I got the mill up and running, and it's finally here.
Without further ado, I present to you....my new Rotary Table. OK, so it's not a host...but I'm gonna use it to make hosts.


Congratulations, nice rotary table Gadget, machinery p0rn is almost as good as laser p0rn to some of us! +rep, now you're at a nice round 1000! :beer:

You know, we expect to see some of the nice results that you turn out from using this!
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Congrats Gadget! Nice looking lathe. Looking forward to seeing what gadgets you produce ( pun intended ) :). :gj:
Nice machining capabilty ---great table addition.

Looking forward to seeing your host creations made with it. +rep
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Hi G,
Awesome time to make some shavings fall buddy. Good luck with the new tool, now you need about a hundred different kinds of tooling. I can't go a week without buying more tooling every time i look all i think is I NEED THIS NOW !! Have fun ..

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Nice! I'm starting to learn some of this stuff as well. Good luck at the host making!:D
I will come up to Dallas A S A P!!
bringing lots of Al--tube-solid- round square LOTS of usable stock..
\+15 when sys allows.. Len :-)
Ok...Alaskan - It only has a 3" chuck on it right now, but it can take a 4".

Dden - What you're looking at is precision apparatus that will let me machine linear cuts on cylindrical parts...With the 5 part harmony...and precision. (Anyone who gets that reference, sound off and show yer age)

Hakster - come on up brotha! You know you're always welcome at Castle Gadget!

Rich - yeah...Me and you just two little tool whores in a pod. ��
Everyone who said "nice lathe"...Thanks, but the lathe is about 6 feet to the left. That's the mill you're looking at, with the rotary table bolted on.

So far, I've only scrapped a little bit of round bar testing it out. Real work with it begins this weekend!

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Looks great, I am working on adding some machinery as well to my shop; but the hard part is finding room to put everything! I may have to ditch the lawn mower, and children's riding toys to fit a lathe; lol!
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