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It finallly came...

I haven't seen any hosts with greater than 2.5 inch heads yet, but I like the idea of a deep fined 4 inch heat sink :)

Everyone who said "nice lathe"...Thanks, but the lathe is about 6 feet to the left. That's the mill you're looking at, with the rotary table bolted on.


"Mill" or "Lathe" their so close, their both made of letters, both make words and their both in English so their mighty close. :D
Looks great, I am working on adding some machinery as well to my shop; but the hard part is finding room to put everything! I may have to ditch the lawn mower, and children's riding toys to fit a lathe; lol!

I feel ya on finding room for everything! My little shop is only 10x20, and already I'm planning to add 8x20 more to it. And, in my book, ditching lawn mowers and toys is always justifiable for tools.:evil:

I haven't seen any hosts with greater than 2.5 inch heads yet, but I like the idea of a deep fined 4 inch heat sink :)

Don't worry...that's all about to change. If I make this host to fit 26650's, the head'll be greater than 3.5" at major diameter.


"Mill" or "Lathe" their so close, their both made of letters, both make words and their both in English so their mighty close. :D

They are close indeed, Bob-o! About 6' to be exact. :crackup:
Hi i seen it was a mill is it a rigid mount or adjustable angle mount. Yes both tooling addicts have more coming this week and just bought some parabolic drill bits. These drill bits move the chips faster with no binding and deep flutes.

Its a rigid column. Model 4190 from Little Machine Shop. 3-axis Bluetooth DRO's. I must say...I really love the DRO's. Takes the sting right out of backlash!!

And, BTW... you said you cut M9x.5 threads in your focus caps. May I ask how? Lathe or tap?


Hi i seen it was a mill is it a rigid mount or adjustable angle mount. Yes both tooling addicts have more coming this week and just bought some parabolic drill bits. These drill bits move the chips faster with no binding and deep flutes.

