First, I would posit that this is exactly what we are doing.
Secondly, the below are the definitions of dialectic that I am referring to. I am focusing on the oppositional force concepts, rather than the dialogue aspects of the word.
When using "dialectic dialogue" to ascertain truth, you discuss the possibilities until a "truth" is agreed on.
When focusing on "a dialectic" one must measure two mutually exclusive and yet inter-dependent concepts.
4 a : the Hegelian process of change in which a concept or its realization passes over into and is preserved and fulfilled by its opposite; also : the critical investigation of this process b (1) usually plural but singular or plural in construction : development through the stages of thesis, antithesis, and synthesis in accordance with the laws of dialectical materialism (2) : the investigation of this process (3) : the theoretical application of this process especially in the social sciences
5 usually plural but singular or plural in construction a : any systematic reasoning, exposition, or argument that juxtaposes opposed or contradictory ideas and usually seeks to resolve their conflict b : an intellectual exchange of ideas
6 : the dialectical tension or opposition between two interacting forces or elements
One can only understand infinity by comparing it to the finite. However, once one understands the finite, infinity becomes beyond comprehension