That's pretty funney a BIC pen :crackup: A pen is perferct to write with but it realy has no place in pressing diodes !!!
Real metel tools are what grownups use, you give plastic tools to kids !!!
I used to do that kind of stuf with all manner of implements till I cut a lead off of a $65.00 diode (and when I did that I had prob pressed 20 diodes or more so just because you did it once dosn't mean it's going to work forever) and that is when I designed the self centering diode press which is incapable of hurting your diode, I don't think that can be said for any of the displays of diode pressing I have seen in this thread so far :tsk:
So you would only want to spend a couple dollars on a flimsy at best diode press so you can save a what $12.00 while you are pressing many $45.00 diodes, wheres the logic in that ?
If I'm going to spend $200.00 on a 12x blu-ray diode I realy don't want to save even $15.00 for the cost of a good diode press if there is a chance I can cut or mash any of the diode leads with a make shift piece made for a bike or to write with :crackup:
So if you are serious about doing the job correctly you might want to get one of these they have a STEEL ram so they will not mushroom even after much use like the ones made with a brass ram do. and they are self centering so they will press the diode stright every time and never cut a lead or miss align the diode and they will set the diode below the surface every time
Now that you got that diode in there safely you might want to change it and save it for later use so you will need a diode remover that can take it out with out hurting it so you might want to try one of these.