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If You're Not Passing Get The **** Out of the Left Lane

Mar 27, 2011
The Left Lane Is For Passing.

It is NOT for cruising leisurely doing 50mph in on a 55mph highway:scowl:

It doesn't matter if everyone else is already going 70, or 80 or 90, if you get in the left lane, PASS the person on your right, and get out of it!

I guess while I'm at it, would it be too much to ask for people not to cut across two or more lanes to get off at an exit that's coming up in 1/10th of a mile?

Sorry, had to get that out. Rant over.
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Tell me about it, its a phenomenon thats seemingly unstoppable. Ive lost count how many times I wanted to run over the ass end of that prick in front of me because of that, once in a while they actually move aside when I tailgate them though :D

You'd think most people actually need to get somewhere on a certain time, not just piss off everyone else.
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Let's not forget the a$$holes who see you, and actually block you from getting around them.

So many times there is room to go around the idiot, so you go on right, speed up to pass the dipshit, and what do they do... they speed up!

Of course once you get back in the left lane behind them, it's back to coasting and looking at the scenery.

I'm not sure who is worse, the people who just don't care, or the ones that are oblivious to everything around them, or the a$$holes who do it on purpose... I mean you'd think given the car I drive I wouldn't have this issue (Pic)
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I can't really manuveur around them with my truck if its that tight, but it can become really convincing to move aside when they guy infront of you is in a small car.
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How about when we have to slow down to 10mph on a 55mph road to make a turn... I just wish we had signals to indicate our intended direction of travel, so those behind us have some sort of warning.

...oh wait...

There are people in this world, right now,
who are having their skin removed
one square inch at a time
just to force them to admit to something that they didn't even do

Take your foot off the gas, turn up the tunes, and smile

There are people in this world, right now,
who are having their skin removed
one square inch at a time
just to force them to admit to something that they didn't even do

Take your foot off the gas, turn up the tunes, and smile


Thats a good way to put it. :angel:
Some states like here in Oregon it's actually against the law to stay in the left lane
unless you are passing a vehicle, is that right :thinking: did you vote on that ?
you should be able to drive where ever you want if you pay taxes correct :crackup:

how about them empty car pool lanes what are they for :thinking:

Wow glad I got that out now I can put the gun down :crackup: J/K

Happy holidays :san:
Ooooo right you guys drive on the other side on the road! I forgot that for a sec haha. We are to "Keep left unless overtaking" but yeah there are the idiots who don't do that. Tho we do get fined if you don't keep left. Do you guys in US get fined?
Some states like here in Oregon it's actually against the law to stay in the left lane
unless you are passing a vehicle, is that right :thinking: did you vote on that ?
you should be able to drive where ever you want if you pay taxes correct :crackup:

how about them empty car pool lanes what are they for :thinking:

Wow glad I got that out now I can put the gun down :crackup: J/K

Happy holidays :san:

Hahaha :crackup:
Some states like here in Oregon it's actually against the law to stay in the left lane
unless you are passing a vehicle, is that right :thinking: did you vote on that ?
you should be able to drive where ever you want if you pay taxes correct :crackup:

how about them empty car pool lanes what are they for :thinking:

Wow glad I got that out now I can put the gun down :crackup: J/K

Happy holidays :san:

Ooooo right you guys drive on the other side on the road! I forgot that for a sec haha. We are to "Keep left unless overtaking" but yeah there are the idiots who don't do that. Tho we do get fined if you don't keep left. Do you guys in US get fined?

Actually many states in the US do have such a law. I know for a fact that NJ does.

Unfortunately I doubt that it's ever actually enforced.

By the same token, when is the last time anyone in the US heard of a guy getting a ticket for going to slow?
Its illegal in Texas too. 'Improper lane use'

Even if you are alone on the road, But not sure it gets enforcred much except as an excuse to pull someone over.

Some things I must say about this.

SOMETIMES those in the left lane would move over but more often than not somebody blows around them on the right with nasty gestures and unfriendly looks without giving them any chance to finally look up and move over-

its also pretty ignorant to tailgate those in YOUR left lane. Hows that workin' for ya?? Funny how they often just putt along and let you steam and finally pass on the right .. so you do not get the desire results. IMO
But if they do move over and you give friendly wave - a blink of you lights (not yr brights) they will hopefully in time understand that you do not want to pass them on the right...Thats pretty much how good truckers drive.

So I just stay back , in the passing lane as that is what I want to do--PASS, close enough to let them know I want by but not up thier ass.

. About half the time they will move over, if they can, as by then there is someone blowing around both of us and I get the finger too.. WTF you think I am 'with' the driver in front of me!!
I will turn my light off and on ONCE and that send the message w/o being an ass about it.


You got a mom? a granny? GF? sister maybe... and old uncle Joe. would you drive like those I described if it were them in front of you ... or would you like it if your grand dad was cruising at the speed limit in the passing lane and he was put through all that crap...and I keep this in mind-- there are more (legal and not)people carrying sidearms these days.

And cell phones are everywhere --dont be shocked if giving somebody the finger gets called in to the police as someone pointing a gun at them.

I saw a study on discovery channel that proved traffic gridlock is caused mostly by those in a big hurry. And they can cause accidents , some of which they manage to avoid but cause them just the same.

NASCARS driver do NOT drive on the highways like they do at 'work' Some are more fearful on the highways than on the track.

The cruise control saves GAS and if EVERYBODY used it and used the passing lane ONLY for passing- we would same time- gas and most importantly LIVES>>

Life is too fast -- your angst will go away if you let it.. you will get there.. and do try to enjoy the ride and music..
(maybe not heavy metal rage)

and that s all I have to say about it.
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The Left Lane Is For Passing.

It is NOT for cruising leisurely doing 50mph in on a 55mph highway:scowl:

It doesn't matter if everyone else is already going 70, or 80 or 90, if you get in the left lane, PASS the person on your right, and get out of it!

I guess while I'm at it, would it be too much to ask for people not to cut across two or more lanes to get off at an exit that's coming up in 1/10th of a mile?

Sorry, had to get that out. Rant over.

I have to agree.... I don't have the luxury of wasting the
few hours that I have left on Earth behind some sight seeing
moron that is not aware of his surroundings or the highway
driving/safety code...

$hit... or get off the Pot....

I'm on the road for business reasons and not for wasting
my time to see the trees go by... I do that on Sundays on
my Harley on the right lane leisurely taking in the sights.

The only day that it bothers me less is on Sunday... because
we know that the Sunday Drivers Association has requested
that day be put aside for Sunday Drivers...


Same works on the footpath too. Quit walking like your disabled (and I am), and get up a head of speed. I seriously am thinking about fitting my backpack with sirens and lights for the slow walking people. I seriously (and I mean this) imagine I have 18 gears, and hell, I can use them. I can outpace most of my friends in a walking stride, and ones a personal trainer. He said once "I should use you as my pace!"

of course my friends hate it especially if I am just in front of them in 6th, and I go, "ok chris, lets shift up into a lower gear" and I deliberatly reach out for the imaginary gear shift. Chris especially hates it, coz then I shoot ahed LOL

And another gripe: Bloody bicycles, and 2/3 kid prams. Sorry, its got wheels. Either put it on the road, or leave it (and the kids with the hubby at home). Seriously sometimes I just wish I was a freight train. 10,000 tonnes, and not capable of braking in a hurry.

Sadly I am too polite and act like a F-14 tomcat dodging these morons on the footpath (sidewalk for you american people) like I am dodging the rattle gun of a soviet fighter.

Shits me to tears. Pardon my french!

edit: no "B!tch, I deploy my spoilers on landing. get out of the way!" :P
oh, and in this part of the planet; KEEP TO THE BLOODY LEFT YA MORON! LOL :)

Last edit: My wish has changed - no, I dont want to be 10,000 tonnes and unstoppable, just give me a prop like a cessna. Get in my way and become sushi ;)
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Its illegal in Texas too. 'Improper lane use'

Even if you are alone on the road, But not sure it gets enforcred much except as an excuse to pull someone over.

Some things I must say about this.

SOMETIMES those in the left lane would move over but more often than not somebody blows around them on the right with nasty gestures and unfriendly looks without giving them any chance to finally look up and move over-

its also pretty ignorant to tailgate those in YOUR left lane. Hows that workin' for ya?? Funny how they often just putt along and let you steam and finally pass on the right .. so you do not get the desire results. IMO
But if they do move over and you give friendly wave - a blink of you lights (not yr brights) they will hopefully in time understand that you do not want to pass them on the right...Thats pretty much how good truckers drive.

So I just stay back , in the passing lane as that is what I want to do--PASS, close enough to let them know I want by but not up thier ass.

. About half the time they will move over, if they can, as by then there is someone blowing around both of us and I get the finger too.. WTF you think I am 'with' the driver in front of me!!
I will turn my light off and on ONCE and that send the message w/o being an ass about it.


You got a mom? a granny? GF? sister maybe... and old uncle Joe. would you drive like those I described if it were them in front of you ... or would you like it if your grand dad was cruising at the speed limit in the passing lane and he was put through all that crap...and I keep this in mind-- there are more (legal and not)people carrying sidearms these days.

And cell phones are everywhere --dont be shocked if giving somebody the finger gets called in to the police as someone pointing a gun at them.

I saw a study on discovery channel that proved traffic gridlock is caused mostly by those in a big hurry. And they can cause accidents , some of which they manage to avoid but cause them just the same.

NASCARS driver do NOT drive on the highways like they do at 'work' Some are more fearful on the highways than on the track.

The cruise control saves GAS and if EVERYBODY used it and used the passing lane ONLY for passing- we would same time- gas and most importantly LIVES>>

Life is too fast -- your angst will go away if you let it.. you will get there.. and do try to enjoy the ride and music..
(maybe not heavy metal rage)

and that s all I have to say about it.

That happend to me except the guy told them I had a AK in the back seat -.-, I had the cops show up at my house guns out. :yabbmad: I think he got charged with a misdemeanor, obstruction of service or something.
