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I need some advice guys

Mar 25, 2015

I am sorry for the trouble your stick will come back to you, I expect no refund whatsoever because I did tear it apart to try and locate a problem, and as for the other diode that is your call. But I am seriously reconsidering even participating in this forum any longer....its like a pack of hungry wolves waiting on fresh meat to come along....I've sat on the sidelines and watched newbie after newbie be yelled at, made to feel stupid, called a liar, idiot, and everything else.

Go to a car forum and see how they treat people, or a cooking forum, or car audio, or any other none and I mean NONE have members that act this way. I read a post the other day from a long standing member of LPF that had stated that this forum is nowhere near as active as it used to me, it's because everyone is scared to throw a scrap of meat to the wolves as they might and likely will attack....truly this is not a community, I live in a community, I help my neighbors and they help me most on here criticize, belittle, make fun, and hurt feelings.

Aug 30, 2008
I don't know either one of you. But if there are two different stories, one HAS to be false.
Mar 25, 2015
Let me know if that suits you, and PM me your email so I can send you pics please as well as your physical added for shipping. If you have anythin else that you would want to get rid of maybe we could work something else out. I didn't break anything buf seriously and I am not playing a game ask Anyone I can give you a list of members. I want you to be able to get your car fixed and be happy with some type of purchase on my end laser or otherwise...let me know, I'm an easy going guy.


Seriously though there are a ton of memebrrs on here I e noticed that jump on people without knowing the whole story or just plain treat people like garbage.
Aug 30, 2008
There definitely are . It's been a problem in the past. A lot of new members get run off because of it.

The forums does seem less active now than when i left in mid 2013. Could just be me though....
You'd think it's be MORE active. green diodes were just coming out when i left.
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Nov 2, 2010

I am sorry for the trouble your stick will come back to you, I expect no refund whatsoever because I did tear it apart to try and locate a problem, and as for the other diode that is your call. But I am seriously reconsidering even participating in this forum any longer....its like a pack of hungry wolves waiting on fresh meat to come along....I've sat on the sidelines and watched newbie after newbie be yelled at, made to feel stupid, called a liar, idiot, and everything else.

Go to a car forum and see how they treat people, or a cooking forum, or car audio, or any other none and I mean NONE have members that act this way. I read a post the other day from a long standing member of LPF that had stated that this forum is nowhere near as active as it used to me, it's because everyone is scared to throw a scrap of meat to the wolves as they might and likely will attack....truly this is not a community, I live in a community, I help my neighbors and they help me most on here criticize, belittle, make fun, and hurt feelings.

Willjoe21, the only time I had serious doubts about your story is when you said you opened the Stick and found no diode in there. Absolute impossibility from my end as it was working perfectly before I sent it.

It's not even worth it for me to keep a 532nm diode, as others have seen me post, I have been considering taking the plunge on a 1w 520nm diode, because with those I have zero to worry about with IR (I don't have goggle that block IR, hence I only used that laser a couple of times in my backyard)

Also I had been raked over the coals on this board before, feel free to read this old thread:


So believe me, you are not the only one who's felt hostility on this board.

Anyway, I will send the diode as promised, and I will refund $100. That way you can fix the Arctic, and I guess do whatever you want with the Stick. I have no use for it.

I wanted the units back so *I* could open them and inspect what got damaged, it's too late for that now. And the only host that would be useful to me is the Arctic host. The Stick, as you know is just a generic host, nothing special about it, I have like 10 old flashlights here I would turn into a host.

So don't worry, you don't have to spend any money on shipping anything back. I will Paypal you $100 tonight, and I will ship a brand new, never used, sealed in the package M140 diode complete with lens and pressed into a package.

I want to be fair, and I do believe you are a genuine guy. I don't like abusing trust with genuine guys.

Nov 2, 2010
Let me know if that suits you, and PM me your email so I can send you pics please as well as your physical added for shipping. If you have anythin else that you would want to get rid of maybe we could work something else out. I didn't break anything buf seriously and I am not playing a game ask Anyone I can give you a list of members. I want you to be able to get your car fixed and be happy with some type of purchase on my end laser or otherwise...let me know, I'm an easy going guy.


Seriously though there are a ton of memebrrs on here I e noticed that jump on people without knowing the whole story or just plain treat people like garbage.

Ok I just tried to Paypal you the funds, but it's saying your E-mail cannot accept payments at this time.

Maybe the E-mail I have is not your Paypal one? Can you PM it to me please?


Nov 18, 2014
Not choosing anyones side here, but based on the story from Lasersbee that you linked, it looks like you're heading in that same direction with this Paypal story. I don't think I have ever had issues with not being able to send money to a certain email. This is especially strange since it's happening right at this moment.
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Mar 25, 2015
PayPal is a pain in the butt...they say I filed bankruptcy and never ever in my life have I filed bankruptcy! But nonetheless they say I have and have held up my account: camarojoe21@aol.com. It is odd though because I have sent everyone from Eghemus, jander644, DTR, marcuspeh, and a few others I can't remember offhand payments from that account without issues. I started a totally new account a few weeks ago as I was tired of not being able to login and I will pm it to you. I have called PayPal at least 4 times and spent around 3 hours of my life being transferred here and there, and got nowhere with them. One day they will figure it out....I've had that account for about 6-7 years and never had issues until February.
Nov 2, 2010
PayPal is a pain in the butt...they say I filed bankruptcy and never ever in my life have I filed bankruptcy! But nonetheless they say I have and have held up my account: camarojoe21@aol.com. It is odd though because I have sent everyone from Eghemus, jander644, DTR, marcuspeh, and a few others I can't remember offhand payments from that account without issues. I started a totally new account a few weeks ago as I was tired of not being able to login and I will pm it to you. I have called PayPal at least 4 times and spent around 3 hours of my life being transferred here and there, and got nowhere with them. One day they will figure it out....I've had that account for about 6-7 years and never had issues until February.

Ok I just tried it again with that new E-mail you gave me. I am still getting the same error message:


I tried the two options they gave me: Pay for goods and services, and Send to a friend. Both gave the exact same error.

We're not having very much luck are we?

Can you talk to Paypal and find out what's going on?

I'm also ready to ship that Diode, as a backup plan, I can just stick a $100 bill in there if you prefer.

Let me know, I'm at a loss what to do next.
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Mar 17, 2015
@futureone Just an advice, before sending anything, remember to take photos of it, especially showing that it works

Editt: We can't say who is right and who is wrong here. Not being bias or anything, my deal with Willjoe21 is really smooth and without any complain

I agree, I never send, sell or deal with anything without taking pictures.
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May 14, 2013
Sometimes these things don't go as planned. I don't think anyone was at fault here. I am glad to see this seems to be resolved and didn't turn into a longer dispute as some have in the past.

Apr 2, 2009
^^ I agree- but looks like at the least somebody is mistaken- but not lying-
perhaps you expected the IR pump to look like a 5.6 mm can diode? they dont
one thing- pretty much known and understood- any item with warranty expressed or implied cannot be opened - it voids the warranty at that time. & you seem to be Ok with that- so - moot point-

since Future one has not added his location into his profile i am just guess where these were shipped from- - any reason we cant see your location??

also- perhaps seeing a "FRAGILE" or "HANDLE WITH CARE" sticker on boxes is seen as an insult- implying that they otherwise do not treat boxes well- I dont use them- nor UPS-
hope this works out for my fellow 'Buckeye' (Canton)and Future- rotten luck-

did you get that 10 pointer in OHIO??

Nov 2, 2010
^^ I agree- but looks like at the least somebody is mistaken- but not lying-
perhaps you expected the IR pump to look like a 5.6 mm can diode? they dont
one thing- pretty much known and understood- any item with warranty expressed or implied cannot be opened - it voids the warranty at that time. & you seem to be Ok with that- so - moot point-

since Future one has not added his location into his profile i am just guess where these were shipped from- - any reason we cant see your location??

also- perhaps seeing a "FRAGILE" or "HANDLE WITH CARE" sticker on boxes is seen as an insult- implying that they otherwise do not treat boxes well- I dont use them- nor UPS-
hope this works out for my fellow 'Buckeye' (Canton)and Future- rotten luck-

did you get that 10 pointer in OHIO??


Hmm, sorry forgot to edit my profile. I'm in Toronto Canada.

Willjoe21 was originally afraid the lasers could get seized thru customs, but he then wrote back to me saying he would take a chance. He seemed like a legit guy the whole way thru, and it truly saddens me that UPS had to come and phuck us both in the rear end here.

There is NO excuse for UPS delivery guys to intentionally damage other people's property!! THIS more than anything has angered me to the point that I will now make it my life's mission to warn people not to use UPS anymore.

Have they ever thought that, maybe people are shipping fragile ceramics? or fragile glass? Putting a fragile sticker should mean "when you take it out of the truck, can you please not toss it across the yard?"

If they get insulted by that, then maybe they should have made something of their lives other than an almost minimum wage grunt job?
Nov 4, 2014
Customs has and does open packages. I bought a 471 diode driver set up from rhd who lives in Canada and it was sliced cleanly opened and re-taped closed. Only reason I noticed this was because there was a slip from customs telling me they did so inside the parcel.
May 14, 2013
I can not stress enough the problem with UPS, working at a business that handled many packages daily I saw it everyday. There was also a large building across the street from where I worked with mostly government offices and I would see deliveries and pick ups there all the time. Anything breakable must be very well packaged such that it would survive reentry from space. :crackup: Here is video of some boxes being loaded on a truck, this is obviously a pick up from some business that ships many packages all the time. This is just the first step in their long journey, this will happen a few times along the way.

The one day or two day shipping is rushed along differently with fewer opportunities to be tossed around like this.

