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I need some advice guys

Jan 14, 2012
Hmm, sorry forgot to edit my profile. I'm in Toronto Canada.

Willjoe21 was originally afraid the lasers could get seized thru customs, but he then wrote back to me saying he would take a chance. He seemed like a legit guy the whole way thru, and it truly saddens me that UPS had to come and phuck us both in the rear end here.

There is NO excuse for UPS delivery guys to intentionally damage other people's property!! THIS more than anything has angered me to the point that I will now make it my life's mission to warn people not to use UPS anymore.

Have they ever thought that, maybe people are shipping fragile ceramics? or fragile glass? Putting a fragile sticker should mean "when you take it out of the truck, can you please not toss it across the yard?"

If they get insulted by that, then maybe they should have made something of their lives other than an almost minimum wage grunt job?

A bit off topic, but ups drivers actually make decent money. Far from minimum wage.

Apr 2, 2009
Hmm, sorry forgot to edit my profile. I'm in Toronto Canada.

ah.. nice place- home of Tunedcavity- holder of a few world record lasers (power/handhelds)

Willjoe21 was originally afraid the lasers could get seized thru customs, but he then wrote back to me saying he would take a chance. He seemed like a legit guy the whole way thru, and it truly saddens me that UPS had to come and phuck us both in the rear end here.

that is smart and what i would do shipping across any borders- but I use DHL exoress

There is NO excuse for UPS delivery guys to intentionally damage other people's property!! THIS more than anything has angered me to the point that I will now make it my life's mission to warn people not to use UPS anymore.

who can blame you??

Have they ever thought that, maybe people are shipping fragile ceramics? or fragile glass? Putting a fragile sticker should mean "when you take it out of the truck, can you please not toss it across the yard?"

just how do they NOT get into trouble when damage claims add up?
surely they keep record of this- duh!

If they get insulted by that, then maybe they should have made something of their lives other than an almost minimum wage grunt job?

true- it was only a guess on my part- why is something i doubt they can even answer-but they (UPS)do pay well-
Feb 25, 2008
I would have requested pictures of the box. I think UPS also has some sort of insurance included. That may have been voided once the lasers were opened up though.
Aug 30, 2008
A bit off topic, but ups drivers actually make decent money. Far from minimum wage.

My step father is a truck driver for UPS. He's been there like 38 years now and makes over 6 figures.

I do know he had to deliver packages for 5 years accident free to become a truck driver and had an accident on his 4th year, resetting the clock.

I'm not sure what they pay the delivery guys, but the truck drivers get paid well.

Got to love unions.
Feb 18, 2013
I unscrewed the housing and saw the driver which hand a vertical rectangular driver attached to a circular board that fit down into the host. I pulle the whole unit out and saw a multi-piece copper module which was simple to tell where the optics where and where the diode should be and once I carefully removed all of the thermal paste and separatedwhere there should be an 808nm diode there is a square copper/brass diode holder in there completely see-through with one wire coming out off the side of it right were a 3.6 diode should press in.I am lining a bit of about any of this.

This sounds like a description of a C mount diode to me.

As for the shipping:

I work at ups, and yes they suck. As for them putting a note if it was opened; nope. Everyday I see boxes ripped up, sometimes nothing is done. Usually some tape is thrown on it and it's sent on its way. I have seen boxes opened just to see what's in them, taped up and sent along. Ups doesn't care, as long as it doesn't cost them too much money.

I never use ups unless it's the only option. Then again, even shipping something through usps can wind up in ups's system. Ups and usps have a contract that has a large chunk of usps mail moved through ups's system.
Apr 2, 2009
Its a C mount IR PUMP-
1st one I ever saw -surprized me-

check out the laser inside a red $3 pointer.
they look even less 'laser diode-like' than C- mounts-

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Nov 2, 2010
I would have requested pictures of the box. I think UPS also has some sort of insurance included. That may have been voided once the lasers were opened up though.

Well, how can we open a complaint when it's technically illegal to ship lasers into the US? If I open a claim what would I say?

My step father is a truck driver for UPS. He's been there like 38 years now and makes over 6 figures.

I do know he had to deliver packages for 5 years accident free to become a truck driver and had an accident on his 4th year, resetting the clock.

I'm not sure what they pay the delivery guys, but the truck drivers get paid well.

Got to love unions.

lol no wonder UPS had redonculous brokerage fees.

Its a C mount IR PUMP-
1st one I ever saw -surprized me-

check out the laser inside a red $3 pointer.
they look even less 'laser diode-like' than C- mounts-


Man, I just googled this, and those are some weird lookin' components! no wonder that thing would look like it's just a heatsink.

I guess it makes sense, since that is probably just a tuned heat producing device (at the correct IR frequency). Is that assumption correct?


May 14, 2011
Man, I just googled this, and those are some weird lookin' components! no wonder that thing would look like it's just a heatsink.

I guess it makes sense, since that is probably just a tuned heat producing device (at the correct IR frequency). Is that assumption correct?

" a tuned heat producing device" ?? Yeah, in the same sense that your car is a tuned heat producing device.

A C mount laser diode produces laser light and as a by product of the process, heat.

You can see many different examples of C mount laser diodes here: https://www.google.com/search?q=c+mount+laser+diode&rlz=1T4FUJN_enUS494US494&biw=1339&bih=531&site=webhp&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=CNx1Vej8KMHxsAXIl4PQCg&sqi=2&ved=0CDIQsAQ&dpr=1

C-mount and many other types plus a explaination can be seen here: http://www.torreyhillstech.com/Documents/Laser_package_white_paper.pdf
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