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FrozenGate by Avery

I need a Powerful Laser! NOW!

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Apr 1, 2012
I just moved into a new apartment and my neighbors are always looking into my windows! I was trying to think of a good way to keep them from staring at me, and I decided a laser would be the perfect solution!

I want to buy the most POWERFUL laser possible so next time they look at me BAM! right in the eyes! That will keep them looking the other direction right?:eg:

I dont want to spend very much, maybe $50 or so, but I want a laser that will be so bright they will never want to look this way again!

I want it as soon as possible so let me know if you have one for sale PLEASE!

ps. I'll pay a little extra if it is powerful enough to take their annoying dog out of commission too!
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unbelievable, you did not just say that....lasers aren't a joke, especially a "POWERFUL laser" you can cause permanent eye damage (blindness) to yourself and to others.

Sorry but no one here can help you in this matter. Instead of laser, perhaps buy drapes or curtains

have a good day

EDIT: lol just realize that ghost :D
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Lasers are not toys, i assume you are a little boy so i wont bash you for this.. it comes with the teenage, Lasers will damage your neigbours eye and not only he will not be able to peek through your window he also wouldnt be able to peek through his own :crackup: and you are most likely to go to jail and laser will also be confiscated..
What i mean is , the lasers above 5mW will cause damage to the eye, and it is most probably a reversible damage which i suppose you are willing to cause your neigbour because you have no patience..
Buy LED flashlight like this one, which has a zoom option so you can tell them to leave you alone without damaging their eye..
If you must have a laser put a very large beam expander on it so that it becomes more like a rely bright flashlight rather than a high energy beam but if thats out of your price range then get a big chunk of aluminum and a rely bright cree emiter with a driver and just make it imposibpe for him to look in what with all those lumens and whatnot
If you must have a laser put a very large beam expander on it so that it becomes more like a rely bright flashlight rather than a high energy beam but if thats out of your price range then get a big chunk of aluminum and a rely bright cree emiter with a driver and just make it imposibpe for him to look in what with all those lumens and whatnot
He can also de-focus it :whistle:
but he's a noob, he must'nt have a high powered laser :tsk:
^^ Evidently, yes.

That is why I recommended the best laser in this case for him :eg: :na:
I almost fell off my computer chair, until I remembered the date and seen the other posts, "GOOD ONE" piferal :gj:
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