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How often do you swear?

Aug 20, 2008
Okay, before you all think this is more "wesdaman fail tread material", I actually need this info for a thesis I'm doing. It would also be helpful if kindly post your age(or age group if you're not comfortable with providing your actual age) along with your choice...

I would also request that you keep this tread CLEAN. Do not fill this tread with expletives, I only need to know how often you use them ;D

thanks for your participation,


Everytime through the whole day. I just don't stop, even though you virtually read no "bad" words from me in this forum.
Swearing is a part of my normal vocab. I do not even know if I could put a number on it> :'(

16, um 11 or less times? only when its really important ( like when i dropped my laser today)
I'm 13, and I don't swear.
Not out loud, at least. Maybe occasionally, if I fail while skiing, or something like that.
I try not to swear. When I'm around my close friends, I swear frequently, but never to random people.
I'm 14.
I try not to swear, occasionally one slips out ::) , but less than 1 a day so I clicked "I don't swear" I'm 16 BTW
Hey sawt, wanna turn down the music ;D

Oh and BTW, for people who are wondering, I'm a Psychology major... Should answer most people's questions. ;)
digital_blue said:
Hey sawt, wanna turn down the music ;D

Oh and BTW, for people who are wondering, I'm a Psychology major... Should answer most people's questions. ;)

I like Loituma, but I only like them when I want to listen to them.

They're Finnish

I play CS everyday , and while I'm playing, when I kill someone or I get killed I swear. Plus I swear everytime something makes me angry.I guess I would estimate it somwhere between 100-200 word and expresions.But could be more or less. :-/ But I only swear when I'm mad, I don't use swear words as regular words. :P
