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how long can you hold your breath

how long can you hold your breath

  • 15> seconds

    Votes: 2 4.4%
  • 15-30 seconds

    Votes: 4 8.9%
  • 31-45 seconds

    Votes: 2 4.4%
  • 46-60 seconds

    Votes: 5 11.1%
  • 1 minute -1 minute 30 seconds

    Votes: 16 35.6%
  • 1 minute 30 seconds-2 minutes

    Votes: 9 20.0%
  • 2 minutes<

    Votes: 7 15.6%

  • Total voters
Sweet, I just managed to do 2:34 because I relaxed! I could have done about 10 seconds more but I started feeling a little uncomfortable and dizzy so I quit a bit early.
The deep breathing a couple of times before also helped.

As long as I keep the lid on the jar I breathed into, I'd say indefinitely. LOL LOL ROB
The "DEEP BREATHING" you did is called 'HYPERVENTILATION'. I used that technique all the time when snorkeling. Got to the point where I could hold my breath for over 3 min. WHILE SWIMMING !!!!! o' course that was when I was 19 & in real good physical shape. Then I got lazy, qualified for SCUBA Diver & carried air on my back. LOL LOL ROB
2:10 MAX then my legs get tingly. And I can tell you I have 0 endurance and can't run at all and im not to athletic, I just hold my breath a lot.
I got 1:20...I would think I could do better because I run all the time but I guess it takes practice and relaxation, I had an energy drink not too long ago so I'm sure that didn't help.
1:40 on the first try.. i think i could do better.. ill try again later!
Last time I was at Grand Cayman, I was snorkeling down about 25 feet for about 45 seconds at depth. With Scuba I can stay below for about --- oh --- 45 minutes !!!!

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got to 1:39 just then, used to be able to go to 2-2:30 though when I swam a lot
Omg how can you guys hold your breath for more than 1 min? i voted for 15-30 lol becaus that's the actual time i can hold my breath. HAX?
Life hack :)

I just got
4min 11sec in the toilet.+- 2sec.

Well not really, I only stop
breathing when I choke on something.(bubble gum),swallow,exhaling.
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