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Hit in eye with 1000mw 445nm blue laser

Def help Xoul if anyone.. His eye damage is like insane compared to what happened to me.. Mines like a 1st degree burn vs a 3rd degree burn from the looks of it. Just to put in an anology. Mine may also go away eventually it already cleared up a lot compared to what it was originally.

That's good, just be more careful next time :)

And I will donate A.S.A.P but I can tell you right now it may not be much, I may only be able to give $10.

Ya I am sure anything helps when trying to save $7800 for experimental stem cell procedures.. I would be worried about it not working. One of my brothers girlfriends was born with some sort of vision impairment and she got something like that done and it definitely made it worst. Wish I could find her info to ask her exactly what her issue was and the procedures she has had. Sadly she moved to South America for a PHD program.
Wow, you guys are incredible! :) It's very nice to see people genuinely care about others.

ghosty87 - I really feel for your problem. Even if it may not be as severe, I feel that any sudden and permanent vision loss is hard to cope with. Maybe we can both get treatments and they'll give us a group buy discount :D. I would really love to hear more about your brother's girlfriend's story. I actually did a ton of personal internet research trying to find others that had a similar problem to me that went through stem cell treatments, but didn't really find much. Plus I've learned stem cell treatments aren't very cut and dry, there's a lot of different types of stem cells that can be used. The clinic that I'm looking at uses adipose, derived from your own body fat. They claim that adipose tissue yields a higher amount of stem cells than say, bone marrow. I'm curious what kind of stem cells were used in your bro's GF. Please let me know if you find anything! Thank you all!
$7800 does not sound as much, if you consider size of the community. I guess lots of people could spare $10 or so .. and as ghosty said, I'm sure anything would help.
In return Xoul would play guinea pig ..
Still some more information about possible risks is of utmost importance ..
thank you for replying.

did it happen directly in front of u or across for eg a room or hall? just curious
Vision damage can occur from directly viewing the laser source or if the laser beam hits the eye. Damage is usually severe, and may result in blindness, which is why direct viewing of the laser source and its reflections should be avoided. A laser's reflective beam intensity may equal its direct beam intensity; therefore, no reflective objects or surfaces should be in the area with the laser.
Thanks Xoul for posting your updates... I've been following the thread for a while - and its making me seriously rethink some things. Lasers are awesome - I've loved them for over 30 years, but they are not worth losing your sight over. Too many kids just dont think they are dangerous..

You should seriously start a crowdfunding site for your stem cell procedure - I'll donate what I can.. with the number of people on this site - you only need a few hundred folks to donate and you'll be well on your way...
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Also - this may be a crazy thought, but hear me out.

It would be a very good outreach for folks like yourself to visit local schools in the area and teach laser safety. Tell your story, show the pictures of your retina - maybe show an example of how you see now (photoshop a simulated picture or two)..

Show what safety glasses are and what they do, do a demonstration with a laser and show how it cant penetrate proper glasses.

I'm sure Highschool physics teachers and administrators would be all over it.

My mother had cancer of the vocal cords and had to have her voicebox removed - and she did this all during the 80's and 90's - going to different schools and teaching them about smoking and the effects.

Just a thought.. trying to find the good in a bad situation.
Also - this may be a crazy thought, but hear me out.

It would be a very good outreach for folks like yourself to visit local schools in the area and teach laser safety. Tell your story, show the pictures of your retina - maybe show an example of how you see now (photoshop a simulated picture or two)..

Show what safety glasses are and what they do, do a demonstration with a laser and show how it cant penetrate proper glasses.

I'm sure Highschool physics teachers and administrators would be all over it.

My mother had cancer of the vocal cords and had to have her voicebox removed - and she did this all during the 80's and 90's - going to different schools and teaching them about smoking and the effects.

Just a thought.. trying to find the good in a bad situation.

I have to agree this could be an awesome idea. Would definitely help keep others and our hobby safe.

And who knows, if you manage to change one mind about how dangerous lasers are you have succeeded.

+Rep to Escher for this great idea :beer:
Have you seen any healing at all?

Sure dosen't seem like it was a fun experience :(

Unfortunately, no. :( When they performed the vitrectomy, it removed the blood you see on my avatar, but the burned/scarred retina tissue is still unchanged to this day. I still have the same sized blind spot (scotoma).

Thanks Xoul for posting your updates... I've been following the thread for a while - and its making me seriously rethink some things. Lasers are awesome - I've loved them for over 30 years, but they are not worth losing your sight over. Too many kids just dont think they are dangerous..

You should seriously start a crowdfunding site for your stem cell procedure - I'll donate what I can.. with the number of people on this site - you only need a few hundred folks to donate and you'll be well on your way...

I really appreciate it! I may look into setting up some kind of donation site. :thanks:

Also - this may be a crazy thought, but hear me out.

It would be a very good outreach for folks like yourself to visit local schools in the area and teach laser safety. Tell your story, show the pictures of your retina - maybe show an example of how you see now (photoshop a simulated picture or two)..

Show what safety glasses are and what they do, do a demonstration with a laser and show how it cant penetrate proper glasses.

I'm sure Highschool physics teachers and administrators would be all over it.

My mother had cancer of the vocal cords and had to have her voicebox removed - and she did this all during the 80's and 90's - going to different schools and teaching them about smoking and the effects.

Just a thought.. trying to find the good in a bad situation.

Err, I'm not exactly a good speaker, so I think I will pass on that. But, I'm always willing to share insight with anyone who asks. I did have someone ask me for permission to use my story in their class, and I gave it, if that counts :)
I went ahead and started you up with a small amount. Hope you can get some of your vision back, I had a near accident with a 1.2W CNI 449nm. I was lucky that the laser had a delay safety measure. But I got hit from like half a foot away with the warning light VERY SCARY...would have been bad.

Now I don't come near my big lasers without the glasses on, until they are stable and set down properly. I can only hope that in time your situation will get better.

Merry Christmas,

Per some people's suggestion, I set up a donation site here: https://www.giveforward.com/fundraiser/1ym3/stem-cell-treatment-for-laser-damaged-eye

I really appreciate any donations you all are able to give. It is my hope that this procedure is successful and gives others that have this condition some hope for a better future. Thank you all so very much!


As soon as I have the money I will donate some money to help you out. It may be awhile but I will do it ASAP.
I linked your donation page on our Facebook page. I'm sure the necessary funds will be raised in a relatively short period. Good luck with your treatment!
