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Hit in eye with 1000mw 445nm blue laser

I am sorry to hear about your accident but I had a scare yesterday while testing my 9mm diode which meters over 3W and I first thing I thought of was your thread. I just had the diode in a copper module and driver hooked up to a push button battery holder for testing. I was wearing my glasses and thank god.I was doing quick taps to get the lens near focus and this is what happened.

I was aiming at the wall and it hit the mirror finish on the lpm heatsink. It bounced off and hit the glasses right in front of my left eye. If I wasn't wearing them I don't even want to think about what could of happened. Hearing a story like yours really makes someone grateful when they experience close calls. I am sorry this happened to you but I glad you informing everyone about your incident.... you could easily be saving someone elses vision.
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Play safe! It all happens in a split second and with the power levels available now, the potential for injury is much greater.

Shorter wavelengths that diffuse/spread out are also damaging to the cornea, even without a direct specular reflection. Think of it like a sunburn to the eye.
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My mom had a traffic accident [she was pushed of the road when bicycling and fell]. She told that something pinged in her head. Only later she noticed when blocked one eye, that her other eye did not function. :cryyy: I image that her brain simple ignored the lack of the bad eye.

The brain does some crazy stuff. I've had one eye that can't be corrected to anything better than 20/????. I can't read the 20/400 line when my good eye is closed. It's been like that my whole life AFAIK. My other eye is 20/20 so everything appears normal.

Injuries are kind of hard to notice when your adrenaline is is high, and you're kind of in shock. I have had a few occasions where I didn't realize I was bleeding, or had a severe bruise, until a little after.

Kind of like this.
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Kind of like this.

Yup, exactly like that.

When I was four or five (I don't remember exactly) I broke the ulna in my left arm. It turned out to be a fairly clean, straightforward break, with no complications.

The thing is, I didn't know I broke my arm for a good half hour. Until I showed my dad & uncle. They were not too happy.

I didn't start to really bother me until an hour later on the drive to the hospital.

I've seen the same thing with kids many times as a camp counselor. There is a scrap, a fall, sprain, whatever, but the kid feels fine, and ok, except as soon as someone tells them what's going on, then the waterworks start.

Our brain is rather remarkable in being able to shut down pain, or ignore it.

Hypnosis has also been used in surgery.... and meditation has been used for centuries by people to endure pain far beyond the threshold of what is considered to be normal.

Anyway. I digress... yup, kind of like that :p
I've been considering stem cell treatments from a clinic such as this one: Home Page

I've emailed their clinic and they do claim to perform treatment for eye-related injuries, but that's about far into detail as they went. I would really like to find some first hand accounts or get a better feel that it may work before I try to come up with $7600 + travel/hotel :eek:

I'm still searching for options, but wanted to share that one in case anyone may have any useful input.
I think that you should try for it because if it worked that would be amazing. Is there chance of it going wrong or making the problem worse?

I'm very sorry to read about you accident :(
It is a shame we're not more like plants, and our cells can re-differentiate. Then your eye and my eyes would be solved... I had a similar but much less serious incident several weeks ago, but thankfully it is mostly just inflammation.
It is a shame we're not more like plants, and our cells can re-differentiate. Then your eye and my eyes would be solved... I had a similar but much less serious incident several weeks ago, but thankfully it is mostly just inflammation.

We want details man .. first it might help other with similar problem, but most importantly, it might scare people to use teh goggles .. :beer:
Oh dear mercy @_@ a laser of that power, and that wavelength........ Wow........
There is most likely retinal damage :(
I have a <5mW 405 and my idiot co-worker decided to flash it in my eyes and that left a black streak for a while and that did hurt. I can't imagine a 1w @_@. My eyes are hurting just thinking of it.

And I have a 200mW red soon to coming to me........ I'm glad I sprung for the glasses with it.
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I have a t12 l1 burst fracture from a 1996 suv rollover. My left leg is now numb and my left foot makes most of its own decisions. Also, it frequently hurts like its getting bit by a burning dinosaur. Because of this I am very interested in stem cell research. At a recent party I met a woman who had macular degeneration. she informed me that after an experimental stem cell treatment her vision is now better than perfect. I don't know if that treatment applies to what happened to you. but the stuff is out there and there is hope yet.
best wishes.
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The stem cell treatment seems to be incredible!
I read that they fixed a spinal cord of a rat with stem cell injection.
By the way. Taking a 1 watt laser beam to the eye and still having vision at all is pretty impressive. I would attribute that to your reflexes. I would have expected much worse.

Also it might not be a bad idea to start making built in anti-roll systems for the lasers.
Or make them square... Or how about a small square plate with a hole the diameter of the hostmhmmhmhh. jimmyoneeye freejacks on over to his dining room work bench
By the way. Taking a 1 watt laser beam to the eye and still having vision at all is pretty impressive. I would attribute that to your reflexes. I would have expected much worse.

Also it might not be a bad idea to start making built in anti-roll systems for the lasers.
Or make them square... Or how about a small square plate with a hole the diameter of the hostmhmmhmhh. jimmyoneeye freejacks on over to his dining room work bench

Or triangular ..
If anybody wants some acrylic triangles or whatever cut to make anti rollovers let me know.I have shed loads of acrylic offcuts in most colours that usually gets thrown out.


