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Hit in eye with 1000mw 445nm blue laser

Wow thats crazy dude just shows how one little mistake can cuz so much trouble wish u the best.:wave:

Word of advise, if you are not willing to play with glasses, stay within the safe zone, dont get blue lasers, high frequency lasers burn anything even white paper, don't get low frequency close to infrared lasers, those do damage to your eyes without you noticing, but are still much safer than blue, BLUE lasers suck ass, they arent bright, and those that are actually blue and not violet/deep blue are too expensive and too low power to enjoy, just stick with green and red and yellow, and low power blue
I member when this happened a few years ago. What a disaster. Hope all is well.

My dog chewed up my safety glasses and I have to get a new pair now myself.
IR lasers are OK to play with if you have quality eye protection. Same goes with "high frequency lasers" like C02 10060nm.

??? CO2 lasers are IR and frequency is the pulse rate not wavelength.

IR is blocked by even clear acrylic so isn't a huge problem.


Why is it that most safety glasses offer NO protection against IR then?

Depends on wavelength, CO2 lasers are blocked by acrylic due to it's near 100% absorption rate.

10060nm is blocked by clear acrylic.

CO2 lasers typically emit in the 10.6 micron wavelength

And C02 lasers are bordering the Microwave spectrum.

UV borders the X-ray wavelength to but they are entirely different

Not really IR anymore.

very much IR,

IR = 750 nm to 1mm
Microwave = 1mm - 1m
It's 10600 nm or 10.6 µm btw. Wiki states IR range in 700 nm – 1 mm. So it's still pretty far from microwave. 1342 nm is much closer to visible range, and it behaves more like visible .. that's why it passes most materials transparent for visible light.
10600nm is very different from that. It would also damage the eye differently. It would burn the cornea and lens in the first place, most probably leaving retina alone .. it would have to burn really deep to get to it. Basically it would make the same damage to eye as it would do to flesh.
Visual wavelengths are kind of more dangerous .. they hit retina directly, and retina cannot be replaced as easy as other parts of the eye. Blue is even more dangerous, as it is very well absorbed by blood filled tissues, where red and NIR would absorb just partially and spread the damage into wider area with lesser effects.

EDIT: Spooky beat me to it .. :beer:
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1342 is also extremely hard to see even with full spectrum cameras unlike 808nm.

1342nm and 808nm are Near IR (750nm - 2.5 Micron)
2.5 - 10 Micron are Mid IR
10 Micron to 1mm are Far IR

(Near - Mid & Far are the correct technical terms for the ranges) different to "near to" (near by, close etc)

380nm - 760nm is defined as visible light,
200 - 315 is likely the most commonly dangerous with 315 - 380 being UVa and far less destructive than the other wavelengths of Ultra Violet.

That aside EUV and VUV can hold energy ratings up to 124eV / photon and that's destruction magnitudes of order above anything we can get hold of but that is at the threshold of X-Rays and we all know how dangerous they can be.


Only reason I consider anything above 980nm "Deep" IR is because It's hard to pickup even with a camera.

808nm is close to the visible spectrum and all current digital cameras have IR filters over the sensors that progressively block IR as the wavelength increases.

are u still on this forum? what is the current status of your eye? any improvements...
what was the exact distance between eye&laser?

btw. because of that incidence i decided not to buy a blue class IV laser...

are u still on this forum? what is the current status of your eye? any improvements...
what was the exact distance between eye&laser?

btw. because of that incidence i decided not to buy a blue class IV laser...

Yep, I still check in from time to time. Status is the same, no changes - blind spot/poor low light/blurry vision in the right eye. I am reminded every single day of my mistake. You can't ignore a vision problem, unless you close your eyes (which I do sometimes just so I don't see it).

I am still considering the stem cell treatments but I can't afford it at the moment. It would take making a loan of some sort and going in debt to get it. But since there's no way for me to know whether or not it will be effective, I am very hesitant to gamble $7600. :(

I have been so very sorry for your injury from the beginning and I wish to express my deep gratitude for your sharing with us such a poignant misfortune.

Please know with certainty your candid posts here have reached out to thousands expressing in the most personal of terms the need for safe laser use and the damage that can be caused literally quicker that an eye blink.

To date this thread and your posts within it have been viewed more than a hundred and ten thousand times, which has undoubtedly prevented so very many others from injuring themselves or others.

I do so hope and pray that a treatment will be made available to you that will be able to undo the harm done as you are more than deserving to one day have your loss of vision restored.

I have been so very sorry for your injury from the beginning and I wish to express my deep gratitude for your sharing with us such a poignant misfortune.

Please know with certainty your candid posts here have reached out to thousands expressing in the most personal of terms the need for safe laser use and the damage that can be caused literally quicker that an eye blink.

To date this thread and your posts within it have been viewed more than a hundred and ten thousand times, which has undoubtedly prevented so very many others from injuring themselves or others.

I do so hope and pray that a treatment will be made available to you that will be able to undo the harm done as you are more than deserving to one day have your loss of vision restored.

Thanks, Madmacmo. I really appreciate your kind words. If I ever manage to afford the treatment, I will definitely be reporting back with the results.
Think I posted here when I had a similar incident... 2 years ago I got shot in the eye with a mere 100mW green laser that I was working on.. I have pictures posted somewhere.. But I went to Wills Eye in Philly and they pretty much told me im fucked as well.. Tho my eye damage is much less severe than yours from what I can tell. I forgot to unplug one of the leads from the battery while I had the laser mounted to solder on a resistor and was on the phone at the same time not fully paying attention and a battery rolled into the lead on my desk and the laser powered on for about .2 seconds and hit me dead center in the left eye. Honestly it was terrible and I still regret it to this day and no longer work with lasers. My friend just asked me recently to build a laser for his fish tank to clean it but im rather skeptical now since I dont wanna make a similar mistake twice. Honestly after seeing your eye dmg pic I feel like a lil biatch.. Mine is more like a clear circle around the size of a pea or eraser when I try to read with my left eye. My right eye compensates for it so its not to bad. Anyway shit does suck and wish we could take back some of our mistakes in life.. Hopefully the future will bring something new to help us.


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Thanks, Madmacmo. I really appreciate your kind words. If I ever manage to afford the treatment, I will definitely be reporting back with the results.

It does suck to have lost part of your vision, I don't know if anyone here is up for this but after I buy my next laser I may be able to donate a few $'s to help ya.
Def help Xoul if anyone.. His eye damage is like insane compared to what happened to me.. Mines like a 1st degree burn vs a 3rd degree burn from the looks of it. Just to put in an anology. Mine may also go away eventually it already cleared up a lot compared to what it was originally.
